The Interwoven Story of Things and People: The Expo

The Interwoven Story of Things and People: The Expo | モノと者が織りなす物語、万博

[Japan Style – January 2025 Issue]


The Japan World Exposition (Expo) will be held in Osaka from April 13, 2025, for 185 days.

Various expositions are held around the world, but those officially recognized by the Bureau International des Expositions (BIE) are classified into the following four types based on their scale and theme.

●Registered Expos: The largest type of expo, addressing global challenges and the future of interna- tional society. In Japan, this will be the third such expo, following the 1970 Osaka Expo and the 2005 Aichi Expo.
●登録博覧会: 国際社会全体の課題や未来を探求する、最も規模の大きな博覧会。日本では1970年の大阪万博、2005年の愛知万博に続き、今回が3回目の開催。

●Specialized Expos: Expositions focusing on specific fields such as science, technology, energy, and the oceans. In Japan, past examples include the 1975 Okinawa Ocean Expo and the 1985 Tsukuba Science Expo.
●特別博覧会: 科学技術、エネルギー、海洋などに特化した博覧会。日本では過去に、1975年の沖縄海洋博覧会、1985年の筑波科学万博を開催。

●Horticultural Expos: Expositions centered on flowers, greenery, environmental conservation, and urban greening. In Japan, the 1990 Osaka International Garden and Greenery Expo was held, and the Yokohama Interna- tional Horticultural Exposition is scheduled for 2027.
●園芸博覧会: 花や緑、環境保護、都市緑化などがテーマの博覧会。日本では1990年に大阪花博が開催され、2027年には横浜国際園芸博覧会が開催予定。

●The Milan Triennale: An exposition specializing in design, fashion, and urban planning, held every three years in Milan, Italy.
●ミラノ・トリエンナーレ: デザイン、ファッション、都市計画などに特化した博覧会 。3年に1度、イタリアのミラノで 開 催 。

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The Bureau International des Expositions (BIE), established in Paris, highlights the deep connection between France and the concept of expos.
パリに設立された「万博」の事務局BIE(The Bureau International des Expositions)は、フランスと万博の深い結びつきを示しています。

The roots of the expo can be traced back to the French Revolution (1789). Following the revolution, treasures and artworks from the royal family were made available for public viewing in various locations.

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One of the symbolic initiatives was the opening of the Republic Museum (Musée de la République) within the Louvre Palace in 1793. After major renovations, the entire palace was transformed into a museum.

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This movement spread across Europe, leading to the establishment of institutions such as the British Museum, the Berlin Museum, and the Hermitage Museum.

The public display of royal collections not only elevated national pride and alleviated discontent, but also served as a means to assert cultural superiority over other nations.

Looking even further back, records show that in ancient Egypt and Persia, royal coronation ceremonies featured displays of art and royal garments for the public, while in ancient Rome, war spoils and enslaved captives were paraded as symbols of conquest.

Humanity may have instinctively understood that showcasing something fosters unity and solidarity.

Britain, the industrial powerhouse, transformed expos from domestic exhibitions into global platforms for nations to promote themselves, with the first World Expo held in London in 1851.

Held in London’s Hyde Park, the expo featured the magnificent Crystal Palace, a grand structure covered in approximately 290,000 panes of glass, which became a major highlight.

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With participation from over 44 countries, Britain showcased the achievements of the Industrial Revolution, including steam locomotives, spinning machines, and the famous diamond loaned by Queen Victoria, asserting its dominant presence.

The London Expo inspired a competitive spirit in other nations, particularly France.

Among them, the United States acted quickly. Inspired by the London Expo, American entrepreneurs organized the World’s Fair in New York in 1853.

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The exhibition featured innovations such as Otis Elevator Company’s lifts, sparking a boom in travel to the United States.オーチス社のエレベーターなど独自の工業製品を展示し、アメリカ旅行ブームを巻き起こしました。

In 1855, the Paris Expo was held at the Champ de Mars. Under the direction of Napoleon III, the expo featured not only industrial products but also artworks and jewelry, showcasing France’s cultural sophistication.

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At this event, French wine was served, and the first official wine classification system was established.

The competition between France and Britain continued, leading to yet another London Expo in 1862.

At this time, a delegation from the Edo Shogunate, sent to negotiate the postponement of port openings, arrived in London on April 30, 1862̶the day before the expo’s opening ceremony̶and attended the event the following day.

Fukuzawa Yukichi, who would later appear on the 10,000 yen banknote, accompanied the delegation as an interpreter. The delegation, dressed in traditional Japanese attire with topknots and kimonos, became a topic of great interest. Their polite and refined demeanor received high praise from British visitors, contributing to the rise of the Japonisme craze. Meanwhile, the Japanese pavilion, organized by former British envoy Alcock, displayed lacquerware, swords, and lanterns. However, records indicate that the delegation criticized the quality as shabby.
前1万円札の肖像で知られる福沢諭吉も通訳として同行していました。 ちょんまげに羽織袴姿の使節団は話題を呼びました。礼儀正しく上品な振る舞いはイギリス人来場者から高評価を得て、ジャポニズムブームのきっかけとなりました。 一方、元駐日英国公使オールコックによる日本ブースでは漆器や刀、提灯などが展示されましたが、使節団はその品質をみすぼらしいと酷評したという記録が残っています。

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In 1867, another expo was held in Paris, marking Japan’s first official participation. The Shogunate, along with the Satsuma and Saga Domains, exhibited traditional crafts, winning the grand prize in the sericulture category.

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However, the highlight was a sukiya-style teahouse independently exhibited by a merchant from Asakusa. Three geisha served tea, smoked kiseru pipes, and played hanafuda cards with visitors, leav- ing a lasting impression and earning a front-page feature in Le Figaro.

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At the 1873 Vienna Expo, where Japan participated under the Meiji government, they recreated shrines and Japanese gardens, showcasing their culture and asserting the new government’s presence on the international stage.

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Through subsequent expos, Japan expanded its international recognition, solidifying its status as the“pioneer of modernization in Asia”at the 1910 Japan-Britain Exhibition in London.

The frequency of expos declined in the 20th century due to two World Wars, but they never ceased entirely.

Japan’s reentry into the international community after the war was marked by the 1958 Brussels Expo. At this expo, Japan embraced the theme of “Progress and Harmony,” showcasing its techno- logical prowess and cultural revival while strengthening its global ties.

Having achieved post-war recovery, Japan set its sights on an even greater challenge: hosting its own expo, which culminated in the 1970 Osaka Expo. As the first registered expo in Asia, it was held under the theme “Progress and Harmony for Mankind,” drawing 64 million visitors from around the world and achieving great success.

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The Osaka Expo symbolized Japan’s recovery from war and served as a crucial milestone in establishing its status as an economic powerhouse.

Since then, expos have evolved into international platforms where nations present their unique themes and visions, driven by globalization and technological advancements.

In 2025, Japan will once again host an expo: the Osaka-Kansai Expo, with the theme “Designing Future Societies for Our Lives.”

Following the 1970 Osaka Expo, which championed “Progress and Harmony for Mankind significant advancements through technological innovation and attained mate- rial wealth.

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The 2025 Osaka-Kansai Expo is anticipated to offer a space where one can experience a future society in which science, technology, and life exist in harmony.

With the advancement of digital technology, many experiences have now been replaced by online simulations. However, the experience of contact restrictions during the pandemic has led humanity to rediscover the value and wonder of seeing, hear- ing, and feeling real things in authentic places.

In the 21st century, while we enjoy the benefits of a society abundant in goods, we also face an environmental crisis caused by mass production and its impact on nature.

Future expos may inherit the stories of “things” and “people” while shifting their focus to “experiences,” thus becoming spaces for discovering new missions.

Now is the time to make the Expo a“place (ba)” where one can experience real “things(koto),”meet many “people (mono),” and become aware of diverse “things (koto).” The “words (kotoba)” discovered there will surely bring new color and richness to the Monogatari of your life.

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