The Japanese, Given Life by Rice
- Hiragana Times
- Nov 18, 2024
The Japanese, Given Life by Rice
[Japan Style – December 2024 Issue]
About 13.8 billion years ago, a flash of light spread through the infinite darkness, marking the Big Bang. Several hundred million years later, galaxies began to form, starting the grand narrative of the universe. The birth of Earth would still require a further 9 billion years.
今から約138億年前、無限の闇の中に閃光が広がり、ビッグバンが起こりました。それから数億年後に銀河が姿を現し、壮大な宇宙の物語が幕を開けたのです。地球の誕生は、さらに約90億年を待つこととなります。The newly born Earth was a wild landscape, with a sea of boiling magma stretching as far as the eye could see. Over time, however, it gradually cooled and solidified, taking shape. Eventually, icy meteorites from Jupiter showered down, filling the surface with water. It is believed that these meteorites also contained carbon, which is considered the source of life.
誕生したばかりの地球は、煮えたぎるマグマの海が広がる荒々しい姿でした。しかし、時が経つにつれて徐々に冷え固まり、形を整えていきました。やがて木星から氷の隕石が降り注ぎ、地表は水で満たされます。その氷には、生命の根源である炭素も含まれていたと言われています。Thus, the blue planet Earth—covered in carbon and water—came into being. Then, a mysterious process of the Sun known as “photosynthesis” began, producing the carbohydrates that serve as the source of life.
こうして、炭素と水に覆われた青い惑星「地球」が誕生したのです。そこに、太陽の神秘的な営みである「光合成」が始まり、私たちの生命の源である炭水化物が生まれました。Now, we move our bodies using the sugars contained in those carbohydrates. From the birth of the universe to the present day, we have been living within this cycle. Carbohydrates have spread in harmony with the natural environments of various regions across the Earth.
今、私たちはその炭水化物に含まれる糖質をエネルギーにして身体を動かしています。宇宙の始まりから今日に至るまで、私たちはこの循環の中で生き続けているのです。炭水化物は地球上のさまざまな土地の自然と調和しながら広がっています。In dry regions, strong wheat grows, while in water-rich areas, moist rice thrives. In warm highlands, corn continues to be cultivated, and in humid tropical islands, taro is grown as a staple, each fostering unique food cultures.
乾燥した地域では力強く麦が実り、水が豊かな土地ではしっとりとした米が育ちます。温暖な高原地帯ではとうもろこしが、湿潤な熱帯の島々ではタロイモが、それぞれ主食として作り続けられ、独自の食文化を育んできました。In Japan, which is blessed with abundant water, rice naturally became the staple food—an indispensable part of our lives. For Japanese people, rice—nurtured by the blessings of the sun, water, and earth—is life itself.
水に恵まれた日本では、やはり米が主食となり、私たちの暮らしに欠かせない存在となりました。米は、まさに太陽と水、そして大地の恵みを受けて育つ、日本人にとって生命そのものなのです。For over 10,000 years, during the Jomon period, the Japanese lived off nature’s blessings by hunting animals, catching fish, and gathering nuts and wild plants.
1万年以上も続いていたとされる縄文時代。日本人は、動物を捕まえ魚を獲り、木の実や山菜を採取して、自然の恵みを頂いて暮らしていました。It has been discovered that primitive rice was cultivated in Fukui Prefecture around this time. Paddy rice farming was introduced from the Chinese continent toward the end of the Jomon period.
この頃すでに、福井県で原始米が栽培されていたことが分かっています。水田稲作が中国大陸から伝わってきたのが縄文時代の終わり頃でした。The large-scale cultivation of rice using paddy fields, which allowed for nutritious and delicious rice to be produced in abundance, spread rapidly during the Yayoi period. As a result, villages centered around rice production emerged, bringing together people specializing in rice farming, pottery making, and tool crafting, leading to settled communities.
おいしくて栄養価が高い米を量産できる水田稲作は、弥生時代になって一気に広がります。それにより、米を作る人、土器を作る人、道具を作る人など米づくりを中心に人が集まる村ができ、定住して暮らすようになります。Rice became a fundamental support for the Japanese spirit and a symbol of power. Leaders emerged to oversee festivals and agricultural activities, with those who possessed rice accumulating wealth and power, creating distinctions in social class and wealth. Competition arose for fertile land suitable for rice production, leading to conflicts to protect stored rice. Stronger villages began to dominate surrounding ones, eventually forming larger nations.
米は日本人の心の支えとなり、さらに支配力の象徴にもなっていきます。祭りや農作業のリーダーとなる指導者が現れ、米を持つものが富と権力を持ち、身分や貧富の差が生まれました。米づくりに適した土地を奪い合うようになり、保存した米を守るための争いも起きます。そして、強い村が周囲の村を支配し、やがて大きな国となっていきました。In 646, a system was established in which the state controlled all land and people. They distributed fields to the people and required them to pay taxes in the form of rice. This tax system continued in various forms until 1873. Rice played an essential role as a form of currency, with salaries paid in rice. It was only in the Meiji era that taxes transitioned from rice to currency.
646年、国が全ての土地と人を支配する制度ができ、人々に田を与えて、米を税として納めさせるようになりました。この納税の仕組みは、形を変えながら1873年まで続きました。米は通貨として重要な役割を果たし、給料も米で支給されました。明治時代になってようやく、税は米から貨幣に変わったのです。In the Edo period (1603–1868), rice production served as a direct indicator of a daimyo’s economic power and authority, measured in units called kokudaka (1 koku = approximately 180 liters). Kokudaka was determined by land surveys conducted by the shogunate, based on the size and productivity of a daimyo’s territory. The daimyo’s tax and military obligations were set according to their kokudaka. Those with higher kokudaka held greater political influence and social status. For example, the Maeda family of the Kaga domain (in present-day Ishikawa and Toyama prefectures) was known as a powerful clan, with kokudaka exceeding one million koku.
江戸時代(1603年~1868年)には、米の生産量が大名の経済力や権力を示す指標とされ、「石高」という単位で計算されました。(1石=約180リットル)石高は幕府が行う検地によって、領地の広さや土地の生産性を基に決定され、大名は石高に応じて年貢や軍役を負担しました。石高が高いほど大名の政治的発言力や地位も高まり、例えば加賀藩(現在の石川県と富山県)の前田家は100万石を超える石高を持つ有力な存在として知られていました。Today, when it comes to Japanese rice available in supermarkets, varieties such as Koshihikari, Hitomebore, Akitakomachi, and Nanatsuboshi are popular. Among them, the top brand is Koshihikari from Uonuma in Niigata Prefecture.
今日、スーパーで売られている日本のお米といえば、コシヒカリ、ひとめぼれ、あきたこまち、ななつぼし……多くの品種がありますが、中でもトップブランドは、新潟県魚沼産のコシヒカリ。Koshihikari, introduced in 1956 after multiple improvements, became popular for its high quality, early harvest, and excellent flavor. It ranks first in planted area and production nationwide and remains highly popular. Its subtle sweetness and soft, chewy texture are widely appreciated.
品種改良が重ねられて1956年に登場したコシヒカリは、出荷が早く高品質、味も良いと評判になりました。作付面積も生産量も全国トップとなり、今も人気が続いています。ほんのりした甘みと、柔らかくもっちりした食感が好まれています。Each year, from mid-September to mid-October, new rice begins appearing in stores across Japan. For Japanese people, new rice is special, with anticipation similar to the excitement for Beaujolais Nouveau in France. Cooking fresh, water-rich new rice brings out glossy, smooth grains. Serve it steaming hot in a bowl, and enjoy it while it’s warm. Although it may be a bit expensive, the taste of new rice is exquisite.
毎年、9月中旬を過ぎ10月も半ばになると、日本全国の新米が店頭に並び始めます。日本人にとって新米は特別。新米を待ち遠しく思うのは、ボジョレーヌーヴォーを想う気持ちと同じでしょうか。水をたっぷり含んだ新米を炊くと、ぴかぴかつるつるの美しい米粒が立ち上がって見えます。ほかほかのご飯を茶碗によそって、湯気の立ったところを召し上がれ。少々高くても、新米の味は絶品です。When we leave the city and see the rice fields changing with the seasons—lush green in the summer and golden during the autumn harvest—every Japanese person feels a deep sense of nostalgia. It is as if this landscape is deeply etched in our blood, sustained by the very life force of rice.
Text ・Yumi IwasakiA new café blending into Jimbocho — Mafumi Coffee and Books
神保町になじむ新しい喫茶店——眞踏珈琲店[Spotlight – November 2024 Issue]
Mafumi Coffee and Books, which opened in 2016 in Jimbocho (Chiyoda Ward, Tokyo), one of Japan’s most famous secondhand book districts, is still a relatively new presence in the area. The owner, Mr. Mafumi Oyama, is also a sociology researcher with fieldwork experience in the United States.
The roughly 5,000 books lining the shop’s shelves are mostly from Mr. Oyama’s personal collection. Inside the remodeled standalone house, there is a large counter on the first floor, and the second floor, as well as the stairs, are packed with books. The shelves hold books from a wide range of genres, including literature, philosophy, and sociology.
店内に並ぶ約5,000冊の本の大半は、大山さんの私物です。一軒家を改装した店内には1階に大きなカウンターがあり、2階、そして階段にも所狭しと蔵書が並んでいます。棚にあるのは、文学、哲学、社会学など多岐にわたるジャンルの本です。The reason Mr. Oyama opened the café stems from his deep affection for a café where he once trained. He was strongly drawn to the relationships between the customers and the atmosphere of that café. He chose Jimbocho because he felt a connection with the town’s culture, which is home to many long-standing cafés that have been around for 50, 60, or even 70 years. It also suited his own love of books.
大山さんがこの店を開店したきっかけは、深く愛着を持って修業していた喫茶店での経験です。そこでのお客様と店の関係性や雰囲気に強く惹かれたといいます。神保町を選んだのは、50年、60年、70年と長く続く老舗の喫茶店が数多ある町の文化と、本好きの自分の気質が合ったからだそうです。At the café, Mr. Oyama roasts the beans himself and uses the nel drip method to brew coffee, respecting the freedom of how customers choose to spend their time. Some people might feel intimidated by coffee specialty shops, but at Mafumi Coffee and Books, it’s perfectly fine to chat, read a book, or just daydream. The shop stays open until 11 p.m. on weekdays to make it easy for people to drop by after work.
店では、大山さん自身が焙煎した豆をネルドリップで淹れ、お客さんの自由な過ごし方を尊重しています。コーヒー専門店に敷居の高さを感じてしまうという人もいますが、この眞踏珈琲店では雑談をしても、本を読んでも、ぼんやりしていても構いません。平日に23時まで営業しているのは、仕事帰りの人も気軽に立ち寄れるようにという考えからです。Mr. Oyama puts his heart into each daily cup of coffee, aiming for the shop to last “50 years, or ideally even 100 years.”
大山さんは「50年、できれば100年後も残る店でありたい」と、日々の1杯のコーヒーに思いを込めています。Every autumn in Kanda-Jimbocho, the “Kanda Secondhand Book Festival” is held. In 2024, it is scheduled from October 25 to November 4. Many people will likely take a break at Mafumi Coffee and Books while browsing for books.
神田神保町では毎年秋に「神田古本まつり」が開催され、2024年は10月25日から11月4日までの予定です。本選びの合間に、眞踏珈琲店で一息つく人も多いことでしょう。Photo: Mafumi Coffee and Books
Text: IKEDA Miki写真提供:眞踏珈琲店
文:池田美樹“Wagyu” Co-Being with “Wajin”
“和人” とともに在る“和牛”。
[Japan Style – November 2024 Issue]
Throughout the world, food cultures rooted in the natural environment have developed in different regions. For example, northern Europe, including northern England and Ireland, is cold and has many grasslands, making it suitable for cattle and sheep grazing. As a result, livestock farming has developed as an important industry.
地球上では、各地で風土に根ざした食文化が育まれてきました。例えば、イギリス北部、アイルランドなどを含むヨーロッパ北部は寒冷で牧草地が多く、牛や羊の放牧に適していることから牧畜が重要な産業として発展しました。In Japan as well, Hokkaido, with its cool climate similar to northern Europe, takes advantage of its vast land for dairy farming. The number of dairy cattle raised there is overwhelming, and the production of raw milk, the base for dairy products, accounts for more than 50% of the nation’s total. Hokkaido also ranks first in the country for beef cattle production, but there is not much production of what is considered “Wagyu.”
日本でも、ヨーロッパ北部に似た冷涼な気候の北海道では、広大な土地を生かして酪農が盛んです。特に乳牛の飼育頭数は圧倒的で、乳製品の原料となる生乳の生産量は全国の50%超。肉牛生産でも全国1位ですが、いわゆる「和牛」とされる肉用牛の生産は多くありません。The place considered the origin of “Wagyu” is Niimi City in Okayama Prefecture. In Niimi City, known for producing high-quality iron sand, farmland was limited, so livestock farming developed as a substitute industry during the Edo period. The cattle raised in this area later became the foundation for Wagyu, which spread nationwide and was gradually improved into what is now known as “Wagyu.”
「和牛」の発祥とされているのが岡山県新見市です。良質な砂鉄の産出地として知られた新見市では耕作地が限られていたため、江戸時代に畜産が代替産業として発展しました。この地で飼育された牛が後に和牛の基礎となって全国へと広がり、現在の「和牛」へと改良されていきました。The three most famous Wagyu brands—Kobe beef, Matsusaka beef, and Omi beef—are known for their beautiful cut surfaces and tenderness. The “Tajima beef” (from the Tajima region of Hyogo Prefecture), which forms the basis of many of these well-known brands, is famous for its long history of bloodline management and breed improvement. In the Kyushu region, brands like “Miyazaki beef” and “Kagoshima Kuro-ushi” (black cattle) are famous for maintaining Wagyu’s superior bloodline while incorporating local breed improvements, and in the Tohoku region, “Yamagata beef” and “Maesawa beef” are well-known.
三大銘柄と言われる神戸ビーフ、松阪牛、近江牛は切断面が美しく、柔らかさが特徴です。これらの知名度が高いブランド牛の多くの基になっている「但馬牛」(兵庫県但馬地方)は、血統管理や品種改良の歴史が深いことで知られています。九州地方では、和牛の優れた血統を引き継ぎつつ地域特有の改良が施されたブランド牛「宮崎牛」や「鹿児島黒牛」が、東北地方では「山形牛」や「前沢牛」が有名です。In Japan, from the birth of a calf to when it becomes meat, everyone involved treats the cattle with great care, paying close attention and showing affection. Each calf is registered with a name, birthdate, bloodline—including parents, grandparents, and great-grandparents—where it was born, and who raised it. Each cow is given an individual identification number. This thoroughly managed traceability (production history) provides peace of mind.
日本では、牛の誕生から食肉になるまで、全ての関わる人たちが丁寧に細やかに心を配り、愛情を注いで扱います。生まれた子牛の名前、生年月日、両親、祖父母、祖父母の父母までの血統、どこの牛農家で生まれ誰が育てたのかといった戸籍があり、1頭ごとに個体識別番号が与えられます。きっちり管理されたトレーサビリティ(生産履歴)は、安心感につながります。Cattle farmers put their hearts into raising the cattle. In addition to grains, they feed the cows rice straw that has been aged for one to two years, and the 20 to 50 liters of water they drink daily is natural spring water. In summer, when the cows’ appetite decreases, they are even given beer. Farmers brush the cows every morning without fail, massage them with shochu, shampoo them to make their coats glossy, and in winter, they even splash cold water on the cows to stimulate the growth of soft, fluffy winter fur. Through constant trial and error, farmers spare no effort or labor.
牛農家は心を砕いて育てます。穀類のほか、1~2年熟成させた稲わらを食べさせたり、1日に20~50リットル飲む水は天然水、食欲が落ちる夏はビールを飲ませたりします。ブラッシングは毎朝欠かさず、焼酎を使って全身をマッサージ。毛並みを美しくするためにシャンプーをし、冬はあえて冷たい水をかけて身体を冷やしてふわふわの冬毛が生えてくるようにするなど、手間と労力を惜しまず試行錯誤を繰り返してきました。Cattle that are carefully raised like family by skilled and dedicated producers have calm expressions and beautiful physiques. It is said that the better the cow looks, the better the meat tastes. When it’s time for shipment, farmers reportedly pray, saying, “Thank you for growing up so well. Now, please go on to sustain the lives of many people.” They feel pride in raising cows that will become essential to human life and express gratitude to the cows for supporting human existence.
生産者の技術と人柄で家族のように大切に育てられた牛は、顔つきが穏やかで体軀も美しくなります。牛は見た目に比例して肉の味も良くなるのだそうです。出荷となり送り出す時、「ここまで育ってくれてありがとう。この先はたくさんの人の命になってくれ」と祈るのだとか。牛農家は、人間の命を支えてくれる牛に感謝しながら、育てた牛がみんなの命になることに誇りを持って育てています。Today, “Japanese Wagyu” has become incredibly popular worldwide and is recognized as Japan’s finest food product. The characteristic of “Japanese Wagyu” lies in its “marbled meat,” where fat is interwoven like a web among the lean meat, creating a melt-in-your-mouth richness. This is rare overseas and has garnered high praise. The tender meat, which can be cut with chopsticks, and the sweet fat that spreads in your mouth can only be experienced with Wagyu raised in Japan.
今や「日本の和牛」は世界で大人気となり、日本が誇る最高の食材となりました。「日本の和牛」の特徴は、赤身の間に網の目のように入ったサシ(脂肪)がとろけるような旨みを生み出す「霜降り肉」にあります。これは海外では珍しく、高い評価を得ています。箸で切れるほどに軟らかく、口の中に甘さが広がる良質な肉の脂は、日本で育てられた和牛でしか味わえません。Looking around the world now, Wagyu crossbred with Japanese bloodlines, known as Wagyu, is flourishing overseas. Australia, in particular, is the largest producer of Wagyu and has gained significant recognition. However, it is a completely different product from the Wagyu produced in Japan. Japanese Wagyu, raised with the passion and dedication of farmers who tend to their cattle daily, offers a deep flavor, smooth texture, and melt-in-your-mouth harmony that will be etched in your memory once you taste it.
今、世界を見渡すと、和牛の遺伝子を交配した海外産のWagyuが幅を利かせています。特にオーストラリアは最大のWgyu生産国で、知名度も高いのが現状ですが、日本で生産される和牛とは全くの別物です。真摯に日々牛に向き合う生産者の情熱とこだわりが込められた和牛は、一度口にすれば奥深い風味と滑らかな舌触り、とろける口当たりのハーモニーが記憶に刻み込まれることでしょう。[Japan + ×♡ – September 2024 Issue]
Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Malaysia to Japan | マレーシア特命全権大使
H. E. Dato’ Shahril Effendi Abd Ghany | ダト・シャフリル・エフェンディ・アブドゥル・ガニー閣下Building Gastrodiplomacy with ‘Delicious!’ | 「おいしい」で築く、食文化による外交
Malaysia is a country situated facing the Strait of Malacca, an important maritime traffic hub. Since the seventh century, the land has been a significant trade route between the East and West and has developed into Asia’s cultural and ethnic exchange hub.
The history of Malaysia began with the establishment of the Sultanate of Malacca at the end of the fourteenth century. Due to its strategic importance, Malaysia was colonized by various foreign powers, including Portugal, Netherlands, and Britain. It was only on 31 August 1957 that Malaysia (then the Federation of Malaya) achieved independence.
Today, we have asked H.E. Dato’ Shahril Effendi Abd Ghany, Ambassador of Malaysia to Japan, to explain the relationship between Japan and Malaysia, which will be commemorating its 67th year of independence. The ambassador says that he realized his mission while pursuing his studies in government and politics at the University of Kent in the United Kingdom.
“It was during the latter half of the 1980s and the early 1990s when Perestroika and Glasnost were advanced in the Soviet Union, and we witnessed the fall of the Berlin Wall and the subsequent reunification of Germany. Then, at the end of 1991, the USSR broke up. These were momentous changes taking place in world politics, and I knew then that diplomacy would be my calling, where I could perhaps play a small part in delivering the principled voice of Malaysia to the international community so that Malaysia could prosper and coexist with other countries. Needless to say, I have never looked back.”
“Malaysia made rapid progress in the years since independence. What was an agrarian society and commodity-based country in the early days has become a more industrialized nation. As such, Malaysia has continued steadily to implement reforms with the aim of becoming a developed country. What we are focusing on right now includes biotechnology, chemical products, AI, semiconductors, and electronic and electrical products. Malaysia’s capability to effectively respond to the needs of foreign companies is at an extremely high level.”
“While providing opportunities for employment and the transfer of technology, we learned from more advanced East Asian nations how to build a win-win partnership with multinational companies and other countries. For example, by receiving support from Mitsubishi Motors of Japan, Malaysia realized its objective of producing its own automobiles.”
In 1981, then Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir bin Mohamad proposed the “Look East Policy.” The primary purpose of the vision was to learn from Japan and South Korea, which had developed rapidly after World War II.
“It is incredible that Japan is at its present position, having successfully overcome the tremendous challenges after World War II. In the past thirty years, China has also grown rapidly to become a major power. I think that we are all in awe of the impact that East Asia has had on the world.”
“At present, Malaysia has excellent infrastructure, a high educational level, and most of our workers have higher education and speak English. In the future, we hope more Japanese companies will choose Malaysia for expansion and as a destination for their regional bases.”
The Ambassador underlined that Malaysia and Japan are similar in that both peoples emphasize the importance of values. Discipline is critical, and courtesy and respect for others are cherished. In addition to being a multiracial country, Malaysia has many Japanese nationals, and it is interesting to note that the Bon Odori event is held every year in Malaysia, one of the largest outside of Japan.
“We are proud of such diversity. This is the reason why we have adopted ‘Malaysia, Truly Asia’ as the slogan for our robust tourism industry. Given that Malaysia is a melting pot of cultures, there can be no doubt that food is one of Malaysia’s highlights.”
「こうした多様性に、私たちは誇りを持っています。マレーシアの力強い観光産業のスローガンに「Malaysia, Truly Asia」を掲げているのも、そのためです。また、文化のるつぼであるからこそ、食べ物も間違いなくマレーシアのハイライトの1つです」。
Embassy staff served a variety of Malaysian dishes to the press, including ‘Nasi Lemak’ (a dish in which fried anchovies, cucumbers, and condiments are placed on rice cooked with coconut milk and mixed with a special sambal chili sauce), ‘Satay’ (Malay-style grilled skewers), and ‘Kuih Lapis,’ a colorful traditional confectionery made from rice flour
“At present, we are promoting Malaysian cuisine to the world. In prefectures across Japan, there are various attractions, and Japan is sharing them effectively with the world. The local bento and souvenirs that you buy before boarding the Shinkansen are good examples. They are packed neatly into very small sizes and are easy to carry. By taking everything into consideration to make people’s lives easier, Japan is doing its best to rejuvenate its many regions.”
“Malaysia is also promoting the “One Village, One Product” project and are striving to make Malaysian cuisine known to people around the world. Malaysia is a country where people with different backgrounds, religions, and races interact. We are proud of a variety of world-class food cultures. My hope is to convey these attractions to many more people in the future.”
When the interview team asked the Ambassador about his favorite Japanese food, he answered cheerfully in Japanese, “Unagi. And Yakiniku. It’s very delicious.” Empathizing and affirming with locals over foods they love is essential and a sure way to communicate with one another and build mutual trust and understanding.
文:澤口翔太A country full of charm, with its great nature, modern cities, rich food, and warm people – 大自然と近代都市、豊かな食と温かい人々の魅力あふれる国
- Hiragana Times
- Sep 13, 2024
[World Pavillion – September 2024 Issue]
Malaysia Pavilion | マレーシア パビリオン
マレーシア大使館 × 画狂人 井上文太A country full of charm, with its great nature, modern cities, rich food, and warm people
In this time’s Hiragana Times Pavilion, a work depicting the various unique characteristics of Malaysia is set against the backdrop of the country’s beautiful sea.
The two Malayan tigers, also depicted in the national coat of arms, , symbolize strength and courage. The crescent moon shining above the tigers represents Islam, the country’s official religion, and the 14-point star (Federal Star) signifies the 13 states and the federal territories.
At their feet, the national flower, the hibiscus, blooms prominently. The people of Malaysia imbue the five red petals with deep meaning: belief in God, loyalty to the king and country, supremacy of the constitution, rule of law, and and courtesy and morality. In Malaysia, the red color symbolizes bravery.
While Malaysia is rich in natural resources, it has also seen significant advancements in cutting-edge industries such as IT and biotechnology. Furthermore, its fertile soil and a long history of diverse ethnic fusion have led to a rich culinary culture.
The painting features some of Malaysia’s iconic dishes: “Nasi Lemak” (center), rice wrapped in banana leaves with various ingredients; “Kuih Lapis” (bottom left), a coconut milk-flavored layered cake; “Ondeh Ondeh” (bottom right), a chewy, coconut-flavored dessert; “Karipap” (top right), a pastry filled with curry-flavored minced meat and potato; and “Kuih Cara Berlauk” (top left), a savory, flower-shaped snack with slightly spicy flavors.
With its strong presence in various fields, Malaysia is a powerful leader in Asia.
Malaysia: A Symphony of Mother Nature and Culinary Heritage
2024 © BUNTA iNOUEA Daily-evolving, Incredibly Delicious Ramen – 日々進化する、美味しすぎるラーメン
[Japan Style – April 2024 Issue]
Steaming hot ramen is placed in front of you, and as the steam rises gently from the bowl, you blow on it to cool it down and then slurp up the noodles. Next, you sip the soup. The noodles and soup blend, permeating throughout your entire body. It’s a moment where you can become insanely happy.
Throughout Japan, it’s safe to say that there are ramen shops everywhere, as the Japanese are fond of ramen. Some ramen critics explore different shops almost daily, ramen YouTubers with over 1.5 million followers publishing books, streets called “Ramen Yokocho” lined with ramen shops, and popular establishments always have long queues. Guidebooks and TV shows frequently feature ramen, and there are even ramen museums.
Recently, there has been attention on ramen as a tourist attraction, with instances like Hollywood actors visiting ramen shops in Roppongi and photos of athletes who have come to Japan to eat at popular ramen shops in Harajuku being posted on social media.
On the gourmet review site “Tabelog,” there are currently 860,000 registered ramen shops nationwide (as of February 2024). Some enthusiasts eat ramen once a day, and some frequent the same shop regularly. There are many ramen shops with long lines; at popular ones, you must be prepared to wait in line. Since flavors vary greatly, one should not judge all ramen based on just one bowl. Furthermore, it’s a fact that if the shop owner slacks off, fans can quickly lose interest. In a fiercely competitive world, constant effort is necessary to refine the flavor.
Even if we simply say “ramen” in one word, the taste and the way of eating vary. There are four main flavors: miso, soy sauce, salt, and tonkotsu. The soup is made by boiling 10 to 40 ingredients such as meat and vegetables, adding broth made from kombu and bonito flakes to give it flavor. Pale yellow noodles made with “kansui water” are boiled separately and added to the soup, topped with cha-shu- (roasted pork fillet), menma made from bamboo shoots, and chopped green onions as the basic toppings.
Some ramen boast the aroma of fragrant oils and dried fish, others offer a subtle taste of seafood umami, while there are those with a refreshing flavor or hearty, oily richness—ramen’s world is profoundly diverse. Toppings, of course, add another layer of ingenuity. Among the ramen chefs are former French restaurant and top-tier traditional Japanese inn chefs, as well as newcomers from the apparel industry—each with their unique backgrounds. Every shop has its own story and its flavor. Ramen is filled with such allure.
Ramen typically consists of noodles in warm soup, but there’s also “tsukemen,” where noodles are served on a plate and dipped into warm soup, and “mazesoba,” where noodles are mixed with sauce at the bottom of a bowl, sans soup. Furthermore, there are “local ramen” varieties, each with distinctive regional characteristics.
For instance, Sapporo Ramen from Hokkaido is famous for its miso flavor. Due to the cold, they use plenty of fat to create a transparent film on the soup’s surface, preventing it from cooling down quickly. Local corn and butter straight from the pastures are commonly used ingredients. In the same Hokkaido region, Hakodate Ramen features a clear, salty soup. Kitakata Ramen from the Tohoku region uses soy sauce flavor with curled noodles, while Hakata Ramen from Kyushu has a milky white tonkotsu flavor. They use thin, straight noodles and toppings such as red pickled ginger, sesame, and karashi-takana (pickled takana mustard with Chili). In Hakata Ramen, there’s also a system called “kaedama,” where you can order an extra serving of noodles while keeping the soup.
Ramen originated from China and underwent its unique development in Japan. The widespread popularity started with the opening of “Rairaiken” in Asakusa, Tokyo, in 1910. It’s said that they sold up to 3,000 bowls a day at times. After that, new ramen shops emerged one after another, and following the Great Kanto Earthquake of 1923, the operation of low-cost food stalls proliferated throughout the Kanto region, requiring minimal capital. In the post-World War II era, when food was scarce and poverty was rampant, cheap and nutritious ramen became a favorite among the common people. Then, with subsequent gourmet trends, a variety of distinctive ramen products were developed one after another.
There are popular shops you’d want to visit at least once, renowned establishments that have earned Michelin stars, and new restaurants that keep popping up. For those who can’t make it to the actual location, there’s also the option of ordering to enjoy the taste of those restaurants at home. When you order through a takeout-specialized website, they deliver the dishes frozen, just as they make them in the restaurant, so you only need to heat them in hot water when you’re ready to eat. No matter how far away or how difficult to reach, you can still enjoy ramen from even the most remote or inaccessible shops.
Additionally, we mustn’t forget about instant ramen. Occasionally indulging in it makes you marvel, at “How delicious it is,” and it has undoubtedly served many as emergency food. In 1958, as a groundbreaking product aiming to enrich Japanese diets affordably, the world’s first instant ramen, “Chicken Ramen,” was born. Just pour hot water and wait for 2 minutes—a brilliant option even for a single child to enjoy at home. Its ability for long-term preservation contributed to its explosive success, spreading worldwide. As of 2023, the suggested retail price for a pack of 5 servings of “Chicken Ramen” is 680 yen (excluding tax).
The world’s first cup noodle, “Cup Noodle,” packaged in a container, was released in 1971. It’s preservable, convenient to carry, and can be eaten anytime, anywhere. In 2005, it was even eaten in space as the world’s first space ramen. Instant ramen, born in Japan, is now consumed worldwide at a rate of approximately 120 billion servings per year (according to the 2022 World Ramen Association study).
Ramen, which continues to evolve daily, doesn’t remain stagnant in one place. Though comprised of only three elements—Chinese noodles, soup, and toppings—it’s deceptively simple, yet ramen chefs meticulously consider a variety of ingredients and combinations, relentlessly pursuing their unique flavors. It’s where the crystallization of the blood, sweat, and tears of the ramen shop owners lies.
By observing the presentation, you can tell which shop it’s from in the world of ramen, rich in originality. So, please, immerse yourself deeply into it.
Text: IWASAKI Yumi
Japanese tea we don’t want to lose – 失いたくない日本のお茶
[Spotlights – March 2024 Issue]
The origins of tea culture in Japan can be traced back to the early Heian period (around the 9th century). It is believed to have begun when the Buddhist monk Saicho returned with a handful of tea seeds from China and planted them at the base of Mount Hiei.
Initially a luxury item, tea eventually found its way into the everyday life of the common people. In the 16th century, Sen no Rikyu formalized the tea ceremony, marking a significant evolution in its cultural status. The arrival of Commodore Perry in 1853 sparked an increase in tea exports, elevating tea to a globally recognized emblem of Japan’s exquisite culture.
Currently, Japan is home to over 100 varieties of Japanese tea. However, amidst these, some are facing the threat of extinction due to a shortage of producers and evolving production environments. These are ‘endangered teas’.
CLASS EARTH Inc., is working to protect endangered traditional Japanese teas as part of a project aimed at restoring biodiversity. In January 2024, the company began selling Wakayama Prefecture’s “Kama-iribancha”, Toyama Prefecture’s “Batabatacha” tea, and Ehime Prefecture’s “Ishizuchi Kurocha” as its first endangered tea products. All teas have a rich individual taste and are produced using traditional methods in each region. Part of the proceeds from selling these teas will be donated to WWF Japan, an environmental conservation organization.
CLASS EARTH株式会社は、生物多様性の回復を目的とした事業の一環として、絶滅の危機にある日本の伝統茶を守る活動をしています。2024年1月には、絶滅危惧茶の第一弾として和歌山県「釜炒り番茶」、富山県「バタバタ茶」、愛媛県「石鎚黒茶[いしづちくろちゃ]」の販売を開始。いずれも各地の伝統的な製法で作られる個性豊かな味わいのお茶です。これらの売上の一部は、環境保全団体のWWFジャパンに寄付されます。
The packaging of the endangered tea depicts a bonsai tree. The bonsai, which can live a long and beautiful life with human care, was used to express the wish for the survival and prosperity of endangered tea.
The tea produced in each region symbolizes the nature and culture of the region and the history of the people who live there – a cup of tea may allow us to think about environmental issues and the planet’s future and raise awareness of sustainable living.
Text: SAWAGUCHI Natsuki
Turning Food Samples on the Airport’s Carousel – 空港のターンテーブルでまわる食品サンプル
[News Review – March 2024 Issue ]
At Chubu Centrair International Airport in Aichi Prefecture, food samples rotate along with baggage on the picking- up carousel.
Created by Sample Kobo, a limited company, to promote the Chubu region.
The suitcases are filled with sushi and “Nagoya meshi (food),” dishes representative of the Chubu region.
President KANEYAMA Katsuji mentioned, “We struggled to create a base to prevent the food samples from tipping over.”
The Allure of Yakitori | やきとりの魅力
From February 2024 issueWhenever I pass near Shibuya Station, the aroma of Yakitori fills the air, tickling my senses and making me think, “Oh, I want to eat that,” as I hurry back home. The sound of Yakitori sizzling on the grill, the tantalizing scent of the sauce caramelizing, the smoke – it’s irresistible to anyone who loves Yakitori.
Near the shop window, there’s a grill where shokunin diligently work; not a hint of a smile, but they are entirely focused as they grill, even breaking into a sweat. You can see their dedication from the outside. Inside, salarymen sit at the counter or tables, beer in hand, savoring Yakitori skewers after a long day at work. It’s easy to be drawn in, step inside, and place an order without a second thought.
For the Japanese, Yakitori is an extremely familiar dish. It’s a simple cuisine where chicken pieces are skewered, dipped in sauce, sprinkled with salt, and then grilled. It’s a dish we adore. You can buy ready-made Yakitori at supermarkets, convenience stores, and department store basements or enjoy them in restaurants. They appear on izakaya menus so frequently that it’s almost a given.
Even among Yakitori restaurants, the styles vary. Some resemble neighborhood hangouts under the smoky awning under train tracks, while others are elegant venues with soft lighting and jazz playing in the background, perfect for a romantic date night. Michelin-starred Yakitori restaurants, where important guests are entertained, are so popular that securing a reservation can be challenging.
In Yakitori restaurants today, while grilling chicken is the orthodox method, some also refer to skewers of beef or pork organs as “Yakitori.” In the Showa era (1926-1989), birds like sparrows and quails were also grilled and called “Yakitori.”
So, what can you eat at Yakitori restaurants today? For those who prefer something light, we recommend “Sasami,” which is chicken breast meat. Grill it lightly so that the inside remains rare, and enjoy it with wasabi. Sasami has low-fat content, high protein, and a soft, fluffy texture. The classic choice is undoubtedly “Momo” or chicken thigh. It’s a substantial portion from the leg to the base of the thigh.
The heart is called “Hatsu” and boasts an elegant flavor and a plump texture. The liver, known as “Reba,” is wonderfully smooth and a treasure trove of iron. Savor its rich flavor. “Snagimo,” a calcium-rich muscular part found on the outer surface of the stomach, offers a satisfying, push-back texture. Some restaurants refer to patties made from minced “Momo,” breast, neck, and other meat parts as “Tsukune.” At the renowned yakitori restaurant Isehiro, these patties are crafted without any binders and are uniquely accented with hemp seeds and salt.
“Teba” (chicken wings) are typically skewered with the bone from the tip of the wing to the elbow. They grill up crispy and fragrant, and it’s enjoyable to strip the meat off the bone with your teeth. “Kawa” (chicken skin) is rich in collagen, and the fat spreads in your mouth. Utilizing every part of the chicken, from head to toe, is a perfect way to savor it for the times.
What matters most in Yakitori is the quality of the material – the chicken, the taste, and the skills. Selecting ingredients, careful preparation, skewering, and grilling with skill. Even though they may look the same, grilling techniques vary depending on the part. Maintaining high grill temperatures while grilling quickly, trapping the juices, and achieving a crispy finish – the Shokunin work leaves no room for error. The seasoning is either salt or Tare (sauce). Even with salt, there’s creativity, and the Tare made with soy sauce, mirin, and sugar gives each shop its unique flavor.
The appearance of chickens in Japanese literature dates back to the “Ama-no-Iwato Legend” in the “Kojiki.” Chickens were considered sacred, believed to have the power to summon the sun goddess with their crowing, and were revered as divine messengers. Thus, the term “Tori,” which means birds, was primarily used for wild birds. During the Edo period (17th-19th century), the “Yakitori-yatai” that emerged were places where chicken organs were skewered and grilled alongside those of cows and pigs.
In 1871, with the lifting of the ban on meat consumption, chickens, like cows, gradually became a part of daily life. However, at that time, chicken meat was more expensive than beef. In the 1960s, broilers, which could be efficiently raised in a short period of about 50 days, became popular, and Yakitori spread rapidly.
Today, some popular places use broilers that prioritize freshness, while others use domestic brand chickens and free-range chickens. The diversification of cuts and rare varieties of chicken satisfy customers’ curiosity and desire for knowledge. High-end restaurants offer Omakase courses, meticulously planned to be eaten rhythmically, with vegetables and other items in between skewers. Also, there’s a wide variety of chicken dishes beyond skewers, which adds to the excitement.
Yakitori reflects the Japanese attention to detail and aesthetics in every aspect, embodying the philosophies of its shop owners. Since we’re here, shall we enjoy it again today?
Writer: Yumi Iwasaki
A Tradition to Cool Down the Summer
夏を冷やす風物詩Kakigoori (shaved ice) is a typical Japanese summer food. The word “kaki” is derived from “かく,” which means to shave off a piece of something hard.
In the past, a carpenter’s tool called a kanna (Japanese hand planer) was used to shave ice. Today, shaving methods have diversified, creating differences in appearance, texture, and taste. Among these, the most popular remains the shaved ice that’s thin and delicate, much like it was shaved with a kanna, and topped with a syrup that makes the best use of colorful seasonal ingredients.
The cover art for this issue is also reminiscent of just such a universal summer tradition. It shows the respect for Japanese traditions and culture that Gakyojin
BUNTA iNOUE has for them.今回の表紙絵も、まさにそんな普遍的な夏の風物詩を思わせるもの。画狂人 井上文太氏の、日本の伝統や文化への敬意が表れています。
Fresh and refreshing iced sweets are well suited to the hot and humid Japanese summer.
Text: SAWAGUCHI Natsuki
文:澤口夏紀“Shaved ice” All Year Round
The highlight of Tokyo Midtown Yaesu, a large-scale complex that opened this spring in front of Tokyo Station, is a store called “Kakigouri (shaved Ice) Collection Baton,” where renowned shaved ice shops from all over Japan take turns appearing. The opening act featured Himitsudo, a specialized shaved ice store in Yanaka, Bunkyo City. This popular establishment is known for its handcrafted syrup made from fresh fruits, attracting fans from across Japan. It’s surprising to find a dedicated shaved ice store, but what’s even more astonishing is that they operate year-round, serving customers not only in the hot summer months but also during the cold winter season. Regardless of the time of year, there is always a line of people eagerly waiting to indulge.
When I was a child, “shaved ice” was something we ate at summer festivals and often at home. We would shave with the ice made in the freezer with a shaved ice machine, which was available in every house in those days, and pour commercially available red-colored syrup over the ice. In the mid-summer afternoon, when the wind chimes hanging from the eaves of the houses were tinkling, the shaved ice that melted in my mouth was so cold that it cooled me down from the inside and made me feel comfortable. The shaved ice was also available at soba noodle restaurants. By the time I arrived home, about half of the shaved ice had melted, and I ate it while laughing with my family, saying, “It’s melted a lot.”
It has now become a year-round sweet treat. Specialty stores are particular about the type of ice, how it is shaved, and syrups, and offer a wide variety. Another reason for their popularity is that their appearance and the various toppings they are decorated with make them look good on Instagram. The creators’ tireless creativity attracts customers, and there is always a line out the door at popular restaurants. There are even prices for a proper meal, such as over 2,000 yen.
In fact, shaved ice has been enjoyed in Japan during the summer since the Heian period (8-12 centuries). Just imagine how precious and luxurious it must have been to preserve naturally formed ice during winter and savor it until summer. Then, during the Meiji period (19-20 centuries), shaved ice with brightly colored red and yellow syrups became a seasonal tradition.
In Sei Shonagon’s essay “The Pillow Book,” there is a line that says, “Shaved ice with amazura (sweetened kudzu) in it…” This refers to shaved ice with a sweet syrup made by boiling down a plant called amazura. In other words, it is considered an elegant delicacy. Additionally, a collection of laws and ordinances from the Heian period (794-1185) mentions the existence of ten “icehouses,” mainly located in Kyoto. These icehouses were huts built over dug-out holes where winter ice was stored until summer. In the past, they were guarded by watchmen called “Himuro-mori.” The use of icehouses dates back to the Nara period (8th century), and the “Chronicles of Japan” even mentions the offering of ice to the emperor. The site is now home to the Himuro Shrine, dedicated to the deity protecting the ice.
Currently, only a few breweries in Japan produce this type of natural ice. After the summer season, the brewery starts preparing a dedicated “ice pond” and gradually draws water from the mountains during the extremely cold period. Once the ice begins to form, daily tasks such as sweeping away fallen leaves and inspecting the pond to prevent it from breaking due to the ice’s expansion become crucial. After about two weeks, when the ice reaches a thickness of 14 to 15 centimeters, it is carefully cut out, pulled from the pond, and transported to the icehouse for storage. Most of these tasks are done manually, using tools that have been ingeniously crafted through generations. Once the first round of cutting is complete, the process of creating the second round of ice begins. As the ice slowly forms in the harsh natural environment, it not only becomes transparent and beautiful, but it also locks in the delicious taste of the water, resulting in an exceptional flavor.
In contrast to natural ice, pure ice, produced by ice companies, comes in various types depending on the source of water and the freezing process duration. Thanks to Japanese technology, this artificially created pure ice captures the fascination of people from abroad and is even exported to the U.S.
The current popularity of shaved ice began in the 1990s. It all started when “Shogetsu Icehouse” in Nikko City, Tochigi Prefecture, recognized the excellence of natural ice. They opened their own shaved ice shop, which gained a reputation for its soft and fluffy texture, unlike the previous crunchy ones, and its syrup with a rich fruit flavor. In 2003, a year-round shaved ice specialty shop was born. Then, around 2011, specialty shops using natural ice was opened in Tokyo, and the trend quickly spread and took root in the city. Shaved ice has become particularly popular among women in their 20s who appreciate its resemblance to a parfait but with lower calories since it’s made of ice. Some shops offer different daily menus and adjust the amount of sugar in the syrup according to the weather, ensuring high satisfaction among repeat customers.
With an increasing range of options for the most crucial ingredient, improved shaving techniques, a wide variety of syrup ingredients, and a focus on different textures and flavor nuances, all stores are captivating the hearts of fans with their unique and original shaved ice creations. This fleeting delicacy that melts within minutes is infused with traditional craftsmanship, cutting-edge technology, and the passion of its creators.
Writer: Yumi Iwasaki
Information From Hiragana Times
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