
Since 1986, Hiragana Times has assisted
thousands of people around the world
to learn Japanese and
explore the beauty of Japan.

The article is very easy to understand due to layout of the English version being just below the Japanese article, so I can always refer to those words that I have difficulties in understanding the meaning and at the same time I can learn how to pronounce the kanji words with the help of hiragana. Every time I learn new words from reading these articles

I have taught myself kana, so Hiragana Times is very good for learning.
The“Insight into JAPANese Text” is very useful. I first can read the line of English to learn the Japanese sentence structure. Next I can read hiragana to improve my skill. I am learning vocabulary so kanji learning is very slow

The format of “ Insight into JAPANese Text ” refreshed my eyes. I think the revisions can meet Insight into JAPANese readers’ needs and the articles there are also interesting and appropriate for Japanese learners of the different level. I can say such revolutionary “Insight into JAPANese Hiragana Text” is successful.

I would like to start by saying how much I enjoy your “ Insight into JAPANese Text Japan. ” It has become a valuable resource, as I have only been studying Japanese since the beginning of the year. The “ In Insight into JAPANese Text ” portion of the actual Hiragana Times magazine is my favorite, and I find the Insight into JAPANese text especially helpful for someone like me, who is still trying to get a handle on Japanese sentence structure and the structural differences between Japanese and English. Thank you!

American / Female
The format of “ Insight into JAPANese Text ” refreshed my eyes. I think the revisions can meet Insight into JAPANese readers’ needs and the articles there are also interesting and appropriate for Japanese learners of the different level. I can say such revolutionary “Insight into JAPANese Hiragana Text” is successful.

Thank You So Much For The Opportunity To Read Hiragana Times. I Found So Many Of The Articles Enjoyable And Informative. I Especially Like The Articles With The Insight Into JAPANese Hiragana Text. I Think This Format Makes It Very Easy To Study And Learn New Vocabulary. I Would Like To See This Feature Expanded To Include More Of The Feature Articles In The Magazine.

I appreciate the content of HT. It is always topical – this makes it more appealing than textbooks to learners. For example after the Akihabara massacre a lot of people (in the UK) were discussing the death penalty in Japan. HT wrote an up- to -date story about it straight after. Coincidence perhaps, but I thought it was very appropriate.

I have just read your new text, and I am very impressed by the content and the mannerin which the stories are set out. Because I live in Australia, I get few chances to speak Japanese, so this kind of text will be of great assistance to me when I travel to Japan to meet my many Japanese friends.

I thoroughly enjoy reading the articles that are presented in “ Hiragana Times ” magazine. Each one is clearly thought out and rather informative, giving the reader a dose of information that is directly applicable to daily life in Jap anese society. For a foreigner, it is very difficult to attain this knowledge, and without keeping c urrent, one can become lost very quickly.

I have struggled for a number of years to get to grips with Japanese and have tried many ways to understand it. Hiragana Times is a great way of approaching the language. Although a lot of it is out of my limited depth I really like the w ay that it concentrates on cultural (both traditional and pop) issues about Japan so that even if I struggle with the Japanese text I still have an interesting read.

The contents page is easy to read and it lets readers choose what kind of topics that they want to go to first. The contents are well written and it’s a very useful tool for foreigners like me to improve on our Japanese. Please keep up the good work and hopefully,
many foreigners that are interested in learning Japanese will benefit from it. The “Insight into JAPANese Text” is an excellent idea to present a text for learners. Also to choose different colors of the characters is a good solution to make a w well readable text.

The articles in the recent issue were very interesting for me. Living in Germany, I have a Japanese friend who is staying here for a year, and she also took great interest in your magazine, so it seems the articles are not only suitable for a foreign audience.

I Started To Learn Japanese And I Have To Admit That Kanji Is Very Difficult For Foreigners To Learn. But In Hiragana And Katakana It Is Much Easier To Broaden And Experience Japanese Language And I Really Like The New Kind Of “Insight Into JAPANese Text” Where Kanji’s Can Be Seen Simultaneously. For Foreigners This Will Be Another Support To Broaden Japanese Language As A Whole.

I find the Insight into JAPANese hiragana text very helpful in terms of under standing Japanese language and grammar. It is nice to have both this and the separated paragraphs of text as it gives two different difficulty levels to read at. The variety of articles contained in this section are useful for varying the context of the language used. Overall this has very much encouraged me to continue learning Japanese again, after having stopped for a while.

I love your magazine because it is very educational in the sense that I get to learn more about new words, kanji readings, and your culture as well. I was first i ntroduced to your magazine around 12 years ago, when I was still studying Japanese Lang uage in Japan.

It enables me to read straight through instead of having to force my eyes up to the reading.

Insight into JAPANese Text is a great idea. It really breaks down the grammar for you so you can see how sentences are constructed, instead of just learning separate words.

I am very impressed. I was surprised to see the extent of your coverage of daily life and current events. And the format of the “ Insight into JAPANese Text ” feature is a great improvement in that it allows for a very precise analysis of the Japanese text.

I enjoyed reading the Hiragana Times, not only does it help me with my reading vocabulary but also helps me learn about Japan. All articles have been well written. I especially enjoyed the “Insight into JAPANese Text ” section.

I think the new approach is very helpful. Besides the difficulties which non-Japanese have with Kanji, there is the problem of word order and the placing of the English translation shows how it is done and should help with translation.

I like the new direction taken with “Insight into JAPANese Text”. It’s wide enough to read, and the emphasized points make it easier to correspond it with English. I really enjoy it being in full-color as well. It separates the sections even better.

I like the new format as it ’s easier to understand and the grammatical structures are clearly visible.
