Step into the ever-evolving world of Japanese with Hiragana Times. Offering a fusion of tradition and innovation, our magazine provides a comprehensive and fresh approach to mastering the Japanese language and culture. From the tactile thrill of flipping pages to the auditory delight of embedded audio, we pave an all-encompassing path for you to immerse, explore, and absorb the essence of Japan.
About Hiragana Times Magazine
Experience Hiragana Times' unique editing
- No Dictionary Needed: Seamless reading without interruptions.
- Embedded Audio: Listen as you read, enhancing pronunciation and comprehension.
- Direct App Linking: Always have the expansive Hiragana Times library at your fingertips. (Annual subscribers gain access to all back issues.)
- Live Lessons: Elevate each article with real-time conversations.
Every element, every feature, and every lesson is meticulously designed for your learning journey. Unlock the multifaceted world of Japanese language and culture. Embrace the legacy, enrich your understanding, and experience the unmatched depth of Hiragana Times.
- 辞書不要: 遮られることのないノンストップな外国語読書体験を。
- オーディオ内蔵マガジン: 音声を聞きながらの読書体験で知識を吸収 & 定着を。
- アプリ連結マガジン: 常にポケットにひらがなタイムズ大図書館を。(年間購読者はバックナンバーへアクセス可能)
- リアルレッスン: 記事の内容をより深めるリアルな対話レッスンを。
Enhance your reading skills:
Furigana (Hiragana) is placed on each kanji, and English word on katakana
Furigana (Hiragana) is placed on each kanji. For all kanji, furigana (hiragana) is placed in the magazine, allowing one to learn kanji at the same time as reading in hiragana. Usually, furigana is placed above on kanji, but here it is set below kanji so that you can challenge kanji katakana first. The original English word is placed on katakana. For katakana which was adopted from English and is confusing for Japanese learners, original English is placed.
Articles are current news and topics on Japan.
You can obtain knowledge of current Japan and study the language at the same time. Contents are reliable since professional Japanese writers write articles.
English sentence blocks and Japanese sentence blocks are alternately displayed.
You can easily compare an English sentence with a Japanese sentence and grasp the meaning without a dictionary.
Unique "Four-Stories Structure"
- 4th floor (top floor) - Regular Japanese
Challenge yourself with standard Japanese text.
The top row features text written in the same way Japanese natives read. Your ultimate goal is to become proficient in reading and understanding this section.
- 3rd floor - Furigana Assist
Furigana Beneath Kanji for Enhanced Reading
Traditionally, furigana appears above kanji characters to aid in reading. However, as we’ve evolved and listened to our readers’ valuable feedback, we’ve made the unconventional choice to place furigana “below” kanji. This change reflects our commitment to improving and continuously catering to the needs of our readers.
- 2nd floor - Romaji (Glomaji) Assist
Delve into text with Romaji, matching Japanese sounds.
Even if you’re not yet comfortable with furigana, our specially crafted “Glomaji” Romaji will provide support. Typing it as-is converts it into Japanese, allowing you to practice typing while grasping the structure of the Japanese language.
- 1st floor - English Assist
Uncover English words corresponding to each Japanese word.
To further aid your understanding, we’ve introduced English assistance in the final step. This dissects the accompanying English into Japanese sentences, placing corresponding English directly beneath each Japanese word. This helps students grasp the connection between English and Japanese sentences.
Hone Your Listening Skills:
You can listen to the audio / 音声を聞くことができます。
You can listen to the audio in English and Japanese alternatively, English only or Japanese only.
For the printed version, you can listen to the audio by holding your phone over the QR code.
Click or scan to listen to the audio. A professional narrator records each issue.
The Ultimate Hybrid Magazine / ハイブリッドマガジン
Tactile Connection / 紙と音に触れながらの読書体験
Physical magazines possess a unique charm.
With each monthly issue, you uncover fresh insights.
But it’s not just about reading; scan the QR code to unlock an auditory experience and immerse deeper.
On-the-Go Access / アプリでどこからでもアクセス
The world of Hiragana Times is always at your fingertips. Download the Hiragana Times app, input the ID and password from the magazine you purchased, and enjoy reading and listening on your smartphone or tablet.
For annual subscribers, past issues are accessible, providing you with the entire Hiragana Times library in the palm of your hand.
Experience seamless reading with the Hiragana Times app. Here’s how to dive into your monthly issue:
- Step 1: Download the Hiragana Times app.
- Step 2: Create your personal account.
- Step 3: Input the ID and Password for the current month’s issue.
- Step 4: Read and immerse yourself in the issue* via the app.
* Annual subscribers can access back issues dating back to 2013.
- ステップ1:ひらがなタイムズアプリをダウンロード。
- ステップ2:アカウントを作成します。
- ステップ3:今月号のIDとパスワードを入力。
- ステップ4:アプリを使って、その月号を読む。
* 定期購読者は2013年までのバックナンバー全てが閲覧できます。
Read, listen, then speak! / 読んで聴いて、そして「話す」体験へ
Now’s your chance to bring those articles to life. Dive into lively conversations with Language Coaches and fellow readers, gaining unique insights and broadening your perspective. As a privileged reader, enjoy a complimentary 80-minute live session every month.
- Step 1: Subscribe to Hiragana Times. Once done, you can create your account on our lesson platform.
- Step 2: Access our portal with your login credentials.
- Step 3: Book and attend a Hiragana Times-themed session at your convenience.
Seize this opportunity to connect and network with fellow readers from around the globe. Let Hiragana Times be more than a read — make it a dynamic language adventure you’ll cherish.
- ステップ1:ひらがなタイムズを定期購読するとレッスン・プラットフォームのアカウントを作成することができます。
- ステップ2:ログイン情報を使ってポータルサイトにアクセスします。
- ステップ3:定期購読者特典のひらがなタイムズ・セッションにご参加ください。
Our Achievements / ひらがなタイムズの実績
- Our articles are used each year in some Japanese university English exams. Some articles are included in school textbooks. In addition our Japanese texts are used by overseas universities. いくつかの記事は毎年、英語の入学試験に、また教科書にも採用されています。海外の大学では日本語教材として活用されています。
- Our sample sentences have been used in a well-known online dictionary. オンライン辞書の例題として活用されています。
- Data from our articles has been used by international companies and by linguistic departments in universities to improve translations. 日英機械翻訳向上のためのデータとして、グローバル企業や大学などの研究所で活用されています。
- Our articles have been featured in commercial magazines, including a magazine for the hotel trade and a magazine published in other language. 企業のPR誌(社内報)、ホテルマガジン、外国語マガジンなどにも提供されています。
- Our articles have been used by schools and companies as educational texts for improving both Japanese and English skills. 英語教育、日本語教育、日本事情を把握する教材として学校や企業でも活用されています。
- All translated sentences have been converted into Braille. 目の不自由な人のために点字に翻訳されてきました。
- Hiragana Times has twice been awarded the Grand Prize at the NTT All Japan Town Magazine Festival. NTT全国タウン誌大賞を2度受賞。
Best for the Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT) preparation
JLPT places an importance on comprehension (the ability to read and understand). It applies to hearing tests, too. Since it is hard to predict the JLPT questions, it is difficult to know how to prepare for the test. Hiragana Times, which includes many expressions and kanji that often appear in the tests, especially N2 and N1, is one of the best sources to improve your comprehension, for the test.