  • Welcoming the New Spring with Setsubun

    Welcoming the New Spring with Setsubun | 節分で迎える新しい春

    [Japan Savvy – February 2025 Issue]


    February 2nd is Setsubun. The word Setsubun means “dividing the seasons” and originally referred to the day before the seasonal turning points: Risshun (spring), Rikka (summer), Risshuu (autumn), and Rittou (winter).

    It is believed that bad things, such as evil spirits and illnesses tend to enter at these seasonal transitions, so various events have been held to prevent them.

    Since Risshun, the transition from winter to spring, marks the beginning of the year according to the lunar calendar, the day before Risshun is considered the most important among the four Setsubun.

    Today, when people say Setsubun, they refer to this February 2nd and people drive out bad spirits from their homes by throwing beans and eating ehoumaki while facing the year’s lucky direction and making a wish.

    Although New Year’s Eve is December 31st in today’s calendar, Setsubun is still passed down as an important day to pray for good health and fortune.

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  • Japan: A Nation of Addition, Multiplication, and Harmony

    Japan: A Nation of Addition, Multiplication, and Harmony | 足して、掛けて、和する国、日本

    [Japan Style – February 2025 Issue]


    In the United States, over 240 million people, accounting for about 70% of the population, identify as Christians, and there are approximately 120,000 churches.

    On the other hand, Japan, with a total population of about 120 million, roughly 2/5 that of the United States, and a land area just 1/26 of the size, has approximately 165,000 shrines and temples. Furthermore, when including smaller shrines attached to major ones, the number of shrines is said to exceed 300,000.

    Shrines are facilities where the deities of Japan’s indigenous Shinto religion are enshrined, and rituals are performed, while temples (Buddhist temples) house Buddhist statues and conduct Buddhist ceremonies.

    The history of shrines is older than that of temples, dating back to the 5th to 3rd centuries BCE. Before the arrival of Buddhism, mountains, forests, rivers, and rocks themselves were revered as sacred and became objects of worship.

    This practice, known as animism, later merged with Buddhism, forming a unique Japanese religious system called Shinbutsu-shūgō (the syncretism of Shinto and Buddhism) that endured for over 1,000 years.

    However, with the Meiji Restoration in 1868 and the enactment of the Shinbutsu Bunri (Separation of Shinto and Buddhism), shrines and temples were formally divided, resulting in the independent institutions we see today.

    During the Jomon period, which was centered around hunting and gathering, it is believed that a peaceful and prosperous society flourished for over 10,000 years.

    The descendants of the sun goddess Amaterasu, known as the Tenson clan (migratory people), sought to claim this land.

    At that time, the region was governed by the land of Izumo, and Amaterasu Ōmikami sent emissaries many times. However, some of the emissaries were so captivated by the richness and allure of the land that they ended up staying there, and negotiations did not proceed as intended.

    Ultimately, Amaterasu sent Takemikazuchi-no-Mikoto and Futsunushi-no-Okami, gods of war, to negotiate by demonstrating their power. As a result, a peaceful transfer of the land was achieved, avoiding conflict.

    Takemikazuchi-no-Mikoto and Futsunushi-no-Ōkami, who played key roles in this negotiation, were later enshrined in Kashima Jingū (then known as Kashima Shrine) and Katori Jingū (then known as Katori Shrine), respectively.

    Kashima Jingū (in Kashima City, Ibaraki Prefecture) and Katori Jingū (in Katori City, Chiba Prefecture) have a Kanameishi (keystone), which is believed to have the power to calm earthquakes. This Kanameishi is a massive natural stone buried deep underground and has been revered by ancient people.

    Additionally, Kashima Jingū also enshrines Ōkuninushi-no-Mikoto, who was the counterpart in the land transfer negotiations. In addition to calming earthquakes, it plays an important role alongside the gods who brought peace, supporting the peace and order of all Japan.

    The Tenson clan gained governing authority through the land transfer, but their effective control did not immediately extend across all of Japan. Indigenous clans and powers were still scattered across the Japanese archipelago, and the Yamato region (modern-day Nara) was especially known as a politically and geographically important hub.

    Thus, Amaterasu Ōmikami entrusted her grandson Ninigi-no-Mikoto with the Three Sacred Treasures and initiated new governance over the Japanese archipelago. Ninigi-no-Mikoto established his base in the land of Takachiho, consolidating his power and laying the foundation for governance.

    Later, during the era of his great-grandson Iwarebiko, efforts to expand governance further led to a campaign eastward toward the Yamato region. Yamato, with its vast plains suitable for agriculture, had long been a land of powerful clans and was a key region for extending the Tenson clan’s governance across Japan.

    After three failed attempts, on the fourth attempt, they were guided by a figure (or clan) known as Yatagarasu, and finally defeated Nagasunehiko, who ruled over the Nara region, successfully conquering the land.

    Yatagarasu is known as a three-legged being and is now the symbol of the Japan Football Association. Additionally, some believe that the image of this three-legged crow represents an elderly person with a staff, symbolizing “wisdom,” “experience,” and “spiritual guidance.”

    Having conquered the land of Yamato, Iwarebiko ascended the throne as Emperor Jimmu, the first emperor of the Yamato Court. This event is traditionally dated to January 1, 660 BCE (according to the lunar calendar). From that day to the present 126th Emperor, Reiwa Tennō, the Japanese imperial line has been passed down as a single unbroken lineage.

    The Three Sacred Treasures entrusted by Amaterasu Ōmikami to the Tenson clan (Ninigi-no-Mikoto) consist of the Yata-no-Kagami, representing “wisdom”; the Kusanagi-no-Tsurugi, representing “military power”; and the Yasakani-no-Magatama, representing “spiritual power.” The emperor has always carried these treasures as symbols of authority and used them to govern the nation.

    However, during the reign of the 10th Emperor, Emperor Sujin, a series of epidemics and disasters occurred, and it was decided that the spiritual power of the sacred treasures was too strong, leading to their being enshrined separately.

    The Yata-no-Kagami was moved to Ise Jingū as a symbol of Amaterasu Ōmikami. The Kusanagi-no-Tsurugi was used during the reign of the 12th Emperor, Emperor Keikō, by his son, Ōusu, to suppress rebellious local clans and foreign forces, thereby strengthening governance.

    Ōusu was given the name Yamato Takeru as a brave figure who unified Japan, and after his death, the Kusanagi-no-Tsurugi was enshrined at Atsuta Shrine in Aichi Prefecture.

    In this way, only the Yasakani-no-Magatama remained with the emperor and is still kept in the Imperial Palace today.

    As Japan developed into a unified nation, the spread of wet rice cultivation progressed, enabling a stable food supply. As a result, the population, estimated to have been around 200,000 to 260,000 during the mid-Jomon period (around 3000 BCE), is believed to have grown to 1 to 1.5 million by the late Yayoi period.

    Subsequently, irrigation projects aimed at developing rice fields advanced, and the soil excavated during these efforts was used to construct burial mounds. During the Kofun period, the population is estimated to have reached 4 to 5 million.

    Shrines were also deeply connected to the development of rice cultivation and spread throughout the country. For example, Inari shrines, with Fushimi Inari Taisha as their main shrine, number approximately 30,000 across Japan and are widely revered as shrines dedicated to the deity of rice (ine).

    Shrines are adorned with shimenawa, which symbolize thunderclouds, and these ropes are accompanied by bells and strands of rope. The white paper strips (shide) hanging from the shimenawa are jagged in shape, representing lightning. Additionally, the straw hanging from the shimenawa symbolizes rain, representing the natural phenomena essential for rice cultivation.

    Since ancient times, years with frequent thunderstorms have been considered years of good harvests. For this reason, people visiting shrines would view the ropes hanging from the shimenawa as pillars of clouds and shake these ropes and bells to “create thunder,” praying for a bountiful harvest.

    Nitrogen (N₂) in the air is a component that serves as fertilizer for plants, but plants cannot directly absorb it from the atmosphere. However, when lightning occurs, the components in the air are broken down, and nitrogen (N₂) dissolves into the soil along with rain, becoming fertilizer.

    Nitrogen is an essential nutrient for crop growth and is still used as a component of chemical fertilizers today. In ancient times, people regarded lightning as the “wife of rice.” They had discerned the mechanisms of nature.

    Shrines were not only places to pray for bountiful harvests but were also built in safe locations, such as on mountains, in disaster-prone Japan and were used for storing rice and cultivating or distributing seedlings. They also functioned as hubs connecting the central imperial court with local regions.

    The “shrine network” is thought to have played a role in gathering information on regional economic and disaster conditions, thereby supporting a sense of unity across the nation.

    It is astonishing that such advanced knowledge and systems existed in ancient times, and it could even be said that ancient people may have understood the mechanisms of earthquakes.

    The Japanese archipelago is traversed by a massive fault line called the Median Tectonic Line, which stretches from the Kanto region to Kyushu. This fault has frequently caused large earthquakes. Located at what is believed to be the starting point of this fault is Kashima Jingū, which houses the Kanameishi, a stone believed to possess the power to calm earthquakes.

    How people in ancient times, without geological surveying tools, came to recognize the importance of this location remains a mystery to this day. Furthermore, Kashima Jingū is not only a shrine believed to calm earthquakes but also enshrines deities who brought peace through military strength, symbolizing peace and order throughout Japan.

    In modern times, we tend to view ancient civilizations with the preconception that they were primitive. However, there is no doubt that they possessed “human qualities”—such as sensitivity, intellect, and even morality—that far surpassed those of modern people.

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  • The Interwoven Story of Things and People: The Expo

    The Interwoven Story of Things and People: The Expo | モノと者が織りなす物語、万博

    [Japan Style – January 2025 Issue]


    The Japan World Exposition (Expo) will be held in Osaka from April 13, 2025, for 185 days.

    Various expositions are held around the world, but those officially recognized by the Bureau International des Expositions (BIE) are classified into the following four types based on their scale and theme.

    ●Registered Expos: The largest type of expo, addressing global challenges and the future of interna- tional society. In Japan, this will be the third such expo, following the 1970 Osaka Expo and the 2005 Aichi Expo.
    ●登録博覧会: 国際社会全体の課題や未来を探求する、最も規模の大きな博覧会。日本では1970年の大阪万博、2005年の愛知万博に続き、今回が3回目の開催。

    ●Specialized Expos: Expositions focusing on specific fields such as science, technology, energy, and the oceans. In Japan, past examples include the 1975 Okinawa Ocean Expo and the 1985 Tsukuba Science Expo.
    ●特別博覧会: 科学技術、エネルギー、海洋などに特化した博覧会。日本では過去に、1975年の沖縄海洋博覧会、1985年の筑波科学万博を開催。

    ●Horticultural Expos: Expositions centered on flowers, greenery, environmental conservation, and urban greening. In Japan, the 1990 Osaka International Garden and Greenery Expo was held, and the Yokohama Interna- tional Horticultural Exposition is scheduled for 2027.
    ●園芸博覧会: 花や緑、環境保護、都市緑化などがテーマの博覧会。日本では1990年に大阪花博が開催され、2027年には横浜国際園芸博覧会が開催予定。

    ●The Milan Triennale: An exposition specializing in design, fashion, and urban planning, held every three years in Milan, Italy.
    ●ミラノ・トリエンナーレ: デザイン、ファッション、都市計画などに特化した博覧会 。3年に1度、イタリアのミラノで 開 催 。

    © BUNTA iNOUE | 井上 文太

    The Bureau International des Expositions (BIE), established in Paris, highlights the deep connection between France and the concept of expos.
    パリに設立された「万博」の事務局BIE(The Bureau International des Expositions)は、フランスと万博の深い結びつきを示しています。

    The roots of the expo can be traced back to the French Revolution (1789). Following the revolution, treasures and artworks from the royal family were made available for public viewing in various locations.

    © BUNTA iNOUE | 井上 文太

    One of the symbolic initiatives was the opening of the Republic Museum (Musée de la République) within the Louvre Palace in 1793. After major renovations, the entire palace was transformed into a museum.

    © BUNTA iNOUE | 井上 文太

    This movement spread across Europe, leading to the establishment of institutions such as the British Museum, the Berlin Museum, and the Hermitage Museum.

    The public display of royal collections not only elevated national pride and alleviated discontent, but also served as a means to assert cultural superiority over other nations.

    Looking even further back, records show that in ancient Egypt and Persia, royal coronation ceremonies featured displays of art and royal garments for the public, while in ancient Rome, war spoils and enslaved captives were paraded as symbols of conquest.

    Humanity may have instinctively understood that showcasing something fosters unity and solidarity.

    Britain, the industrial powerhouse, transformed expos from domestic exhibitions into global platforms for nations to promote themselves, with the first World Expo held in London in 1851.

    Held in London’s Hyde Park, the expo featured the magnificent Crystal Palace, a grand structure covered in approximately 290,000 panes of glass, which became a major highlight.

    © BUNTA iNOUE | 井上 文太

    With participation from over 44 countries, Britain showcased the achievements of the Industrial Revolution, including steam locomotives, spinning machines, and the famous diamond loaned by Queen Victoria, asserting its dominant presence.

    The London Expo inspired a competitive spirit in other nations, particularly France.

    Among them, the United States acted quickly. Inspired by the London Expo, American entrepreneurs organized the World’s Fair in New York in 1853.

    © BUNTA iNOUE | 井上 文太

    The exhibition featured innovations such as Otis Elevator Company’s lifts, sparking a boom in travel to the United States.オーチス社のエレベーターなど独自の工業製品を展示し、アメリカ旅行ブームを巻き起こしました。

    In 1855, the Paris Expo was held at the Champ de Mars. Under the direction of Napoleon III, the expo featured not only industrial products but also artworks and jewelry, showcasing France’s cultural sophistication.

    © BUNTA iNOUE | 井上 文太

    At this event, French wine was served, and the first official wine classification system was established.

    The competition between France and Britain continued, leading to yet another London Expo in 1862.

    At this time, a delegation from the Edo Shogunate, sent to negotiate the postponement of port openings, arrived in London on April 30, 1862̶the day before the expo’s opening ceremony̶and attended the event the following day.

    Fukuzawa Yukichi, who would later appear on the 10,000 yen banknote, accompanied the delegation as an interpreter. The delegation, dressed in traditional Japanese attire with topknots and kimonos, became a topic of great interest. Their polite and refined demeanor received high praise from British visitors, contributing to the rise of the Japonisme craze. Meanwhile, the Japanese pavilion, organized by former British envoy Alcock, displayed lacquerware, swords, and lanterns. However, records indicate that the delegation criticized the quality as shabby.
    前1万円札の肖像で知られる福沢諭吉も通訳として同行していました。 ちょんまげに羽織袴姿の使節団は話題を呼びました。礼儀正しく上品な振る舞いはイギリス人来場者から高評価を得て、ジャポニズムブームのきっかけとなりました。 一方、元駐日英国公使オールコックによる日本ブースでは漆器や刀、提灯などが展示されましたが、使節団はその品質をみすぼらしいと酷評したという記録が残っています。

    © BUNTA iNOUE | 井上 文太

    In 1867, another expo was held in Paris, marking Japan’s first official participation. The Shogunate, along with the Satsuma and Saga Domains, exhibited traditional crafts, winning the grand prize in the sericulture category.

    © BUNTA iNOUE | 井上 文太

    However, the highlight was a sukiya-style teahouse independently exhibited by a merchant from Asakusa. Three geisha served tea, smoked kiseru pipes, and played hanafuda cards with visitors, leav- ing a lasting impression and earning a front-page feature in Le Figaro.

    © BUNTA iNOUE | 井上 文太

    At the 1873 Vienna Expo, where Japan participated under the Meiji government, they recreated shrines and Japanese gardens, showcasing their culture and asserting the new government’s presence on the international stage.

    © BUNTA iNOUE | 井上 文太

    Through subsequent expos, Japan expanded its international recognition, solidifying its status as the“pioneer of modernization in Asia”at the 1910 Japan-Britain Exhibition in London.

    The frequency of expos declined in the 20th century due to two World Wars, but they never ceased entirely.

    Japan’s reentry into the international community after the war was marked by the 1958 Brussels Expo. At this expo, Japan embraced the theme of “Progress and Harmony,” showcasing its techno- logical prowess and cultural revival while strengthening its global ties.

    Having achieved post-war recovery, Japan set its sights on an even greater challenge: hosting its own expo, which culminated in the 1970 Osaka Expo. As the first registered expo in Asia, it was held under the theme “Progress and Harmony for Mankind,” drawing 64 million visitors from around the world and achieving great success.

    © BUNTA iNOUE | 井上 文太

    The Osaka Expo symbolized Japan’s recovery from war and served as a crucial milestone in establishing its status as an economic powerhouse.

    Since then, expos have evolved into international platforms where nations present their unique themes and visions, driven by globalization and technological advancements.

    In 2025, Japan will once again host an expo: the Osaka-Kansai Expo, with the theme “Designing Future Societies for Our Lives.”

    Following the 1970 Osaka Expo, which championed “Progress and Harmony for Mankind significant advancements through technological innovation and attained mate- rial wealth.

    © BUNTA iNOUE | 井上 文太

    The 2025 Osaka-Kansai Expo is anticipated to offer a space where one can experience a future society in which science, technology, and life exist in harmony.

    With the advancement of digital technology, many experiences have now been replaced by online simulations. However, the experience of contact restrictions during the pandemic has led humanity to rediscover the value and wonder of seeing, hear- ing, and feeling real things in authentic places.

    In the 21st century, while we enjoy the benefits of a society abundant in goods, we also face an environmental crisis caused by mass production and its impact on nature.

    Future expos may inherit the stories of “things” and “people” while shifting their focus to “experiences,” thus becoming spaces for discovering new missions.

    Now is the time to make the Expo a“place (ba)” where one can experience real “things(koto),”meet many “people (mono),” and become aware of diverse “things (koto).” The “words (kotoba)” discovered there will surely bring new color and richness to the Monogatari of your life.

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  • Japan’s Power of Storytelling

    Japan’s Power of Storytelling | 日本の物語力

    [Cover Story – January 2025 Issue]

    In the history of the world, “books” have primarily been works such as “大説 (great opinions/views)” that record the doctrines of politicians and philosophers. In contrast, in Japan, 小説 (personal opinions/views), which reflect individual thoughts or creative stories written freely, have been widely enjoyed by the general public since ancient times.

    The poetry anthology Man’yōshū, whose compilation began in the late 7th century, includes songs not only from emperors and nobles but also from farmers and soldiers without discrimination. In the early 11th century, the Tale of Genji, regarded as the world’s oldest full-length novel, was born.
    7 世紀後半に編纂が始まった歌集『万集 』には 、天皇や貴族だけでなく、農民や兵士の歌も分け隔てなく収録されています。そして、11世紀初頭には世界最古の長編小説とされる『源氏物語』が誕生しました。

    During the Edo period, a genre called “Edo popular tales” developed, catering to the common people. Among these, Tōkaidōchū Hizakurige (Jippensha Ikku, 1802‒1809), classified as a “comical book,” gained popularity, and it is said that Edo townspeople laughed out loud while enjoying it.

    Furthermore, Nansō Satomi Hakkenden (Takizawa Bakin, 1814‒1842), written on a grand scale across 98 volumes and 106 books, has something in common with the modern manga One Piece.

    Bakin’s close friend, Katsushika Hokusai, illustrated the work, contributing to its immense popularity. This epic tale, depicting eight swordsmen with jewel-like orbs inscribed with “benevolence,” “righteousness,” “propriety,” “wisdom,” “loyalty,” “faith,” “filial piety,” and “brotherly love” leading the fallen Satomi clan to restoration, is said to have inspired the manga Dragon Ball.

    “Nansō” refers to the central and southern regions of present-day Chiba Prefecture. Please enjoy the cover art for this issue, featuring the Reiwa-era Nansō Satomi Hakkenden illustrated by Bunta Inoue, who has an atelier in that area and also serves as an art ambassador for Minami-Bōsō, Chiba. Be sure to also appreciate the illustrations included within this issue.


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  • From Ancestry to 6,000 Descendant Varieties: The Lineage of Rice in India

    From Ancestry to 6,000 Descendant Varieties: The Lineage of Rice in India

    [Spotlights – December 2024 Issue]


    We are blessed to partake in the seeds of rice plants.

    Rice is believed to have first appeared as a wild species around 10 to 15 million years ago.

    Wild species, such as Oryza rufipogon, began to take root and thrive along the warm, humid riverbanks and wetlands of Southeast and South Asia, signaling the first pulse of life.
    温暖で湿潤な東南アジアや南アジアの川沿い・湿地帯に適応したオリザ・ルフィポゴン(Oryza rufipogon)などの野生種が自生するようになりました。

    Ancient rice has also been discovered at Jomon-era archaeological sites in Japan, indicating that rice plants have existed on the Japanese archipelago since ancient times.

    These wild species originally displayed a trait known as “shattering,” in which seeds naturally fell when ripe. However, humans selected non-shattering mutations, making them easier to harvest, and continued to cultivate them over many generations.

    Eventually, around 9,000 years ago (7,000 BCE), stable paddy rice cultivation practices developed along China’s Yangtze River.

    Japonica rice (found in Japan and China), Indica rice (common in India and Southeast Asia), and other varieties spread across Asia, adapting to and taking root in each region.

    Wild rice species still exist today, but in many rice-growing areas worldwide, they are often regarded as an unwelcome form of “weedy rice.”

    In certain regions of India, however, wild rice is respected as a valuable traditional crop, and it is cultivated and harvested using age-old methods.

    At its core lies a longstanding respect for these ancient species and a deep-seated desire for harmony with the natural environment.

    In Hindu wedding ceremonies, rice symbolizes fertility and union. As part of the ritual, the couple showers each other with handfuls of rice, enveloping each other in blessings and well-wishes for a prosperous future together.

    This ritual is based on the belief that the bride brings prosperity to her new home, symbolizing the cultural and spiritual importance of rice.

    India currently cultivates over 6,000 varieties of rice and is the world’s largest rice exporter.

    Just as Buddhism and other philosophical teachings originated in India, the origins of rice can also be traced back to this land.

    A journey to discover the “root of life (i-ne),” through rice ultimately becomes a journey into the origins of humanity itself.

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  • A cactus competition showcasing rare shapes

    A cactus competition showcasing rare shapes

    [News Reviews – December 2024 Issue]


    At the Izu Shaboten Zoo in Ito City, Shizuoka Prefecture, about 1,500 species of cacti and succulents are on display.

    Every autumn, the “Interesting Cactus Competition” is held here.

    10 particularly unique plants, including rare cacti and secret specimens not usually displayed to the public, are exhibited, and a popularity vote is conducted.

    The event also includes entertaining commentary from the famous staff member, Mr. Manabe, known as the “Cactus Doctor,” who has 34 years of experience growing cacti.

    Last year’s popularity vote attracted more than 10,000 votes.

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  • The Japanese, Given Life by Rice

    The Japanese, Given Life by Rice

    [Japan Style – December 2024 Issue]


    About 13.8 billion years ago, a flash of light spread through the infinite darkness, marking the Big Bang. Several hundred million years later, galaxies began to form, starting the grand narrative of the universe. The birth of Earth would still require a further 9 billion years.

    The newly born Earth was a wild landscape, with a sea of boiling magma stretching as far as the eye could see. Over time, however, it gradually cooled and solidified, taking shape. Eventually, icy meteorites from Jupiter showered down, filling the surface with water. It is believed that these meteorites also contained carbon, which is considered the source of life.

    Thus, the blue planet Earth—covered in carbon and water—came into being. Then, a mysterious process of the Sun known as “photosynthesis” began, producing the carbohydrates that serve as the source of life.

    Now, we move our bodies using the sugars contained in those carbohydrates. From the birth of the universe to the present day, we have been living within this cycle. Carbohydrates have spread in harmony with the natural environments of various regions across the Earth.

    In dry regions, strong wheat grows, while in water-rich areas, moist rice thrives. In warm highlands, corn continues to be cultivated, and in humid tropical islands, taro is grown as a staple, each fostering unique food cultures.

    In Japan, which is blessed with abundant water, rice naturally became the staple food—an indispensable part of our lives. For Japanese people, rice—nurtured by the blessings of the sun, water, and earth—is life itself.

    For over 10,000 years, during the Jomon period, the Japanese lived off nature’s blessings by hunting animals, catching fish, and gathering nuts and wild plants.

    It has been discovered that primitive rice was cultivated in Fukui Prefecture around this time. Paddy rice farming was introduced from the Chinese continent toward the end of the Jomon period.

    The large-scale cultivation of rice using paddy fields, which allowed for nutritious and delicious rice to be produced in abundance, spread rapidly during the Yayoi period. As a result, villages centered around rice production emerged, bringing together people specializing in rice farming, pottery making, and tool crafting, leading to settled communities.

    Rice became a fundamental support for the Japanese spirit and a symbol of power. Leaders emerged to oversee festivals and agricultural activities, with those who possessed rice accumulating wealth and power, creating distinctions in social class and wealth. Competition arose for fertile land suitable for rice production, leading to conflicts to protect stored rice. Stronger villages began to dominate surrounding ones, eventually forming larger nations.

    In 646, a system was established in which the state controlled all land and people. They distributed fields to the people and required them to pay taxes in the form of rice. This tax system continued in various forms until 1873. Rice played an essential role as a form of currency, with salaries paid in rice. It was only in the Meiji era that taxes transitioned from rice to currency.

    In the Edo period (1603–1868), rice production served as a direct indicator of a daimyo’s economic power and authority, measured in units called kokudaka (1 koku = approximately 180 liters). Kokudaka was determined by land surveys conducted by the shogunate, based on the size and productivity of a daimyo’s territory. The daimyo’s tax and military obligations were set according to their kokudaka. Those with higher kokudaka held greater political influence and social status. For example, the Maeda family of the Kaga domain (in present-day Ishikawa and Toyama prefectures) was known as a powerful clan, with kokudaka exceeding one million koku.

    Today, when it comes to Japanese rice available in supermarkets, varieties such as Koshihikari, Hitomebore, Akitakomachi, and Nanatsuboshi are popular. Among them, the top brand is Koshihikari from Uonuma in Niigata Prefecture.

    Koshihikari, introduced in 1956 after multiple improvements, became popular for its high quality, early harvest, and excellent flavor. It ranks first in planted area and production nationwide and remains highly popular. Its subtle sweetness and soft, chewy texture are widely appreciated.

    Each year, from mid-September to mid-October, new rice begins appearing in stores across Japan. For Japanese people, new rice is special, with anticipation similar to the excitement for Beaujolais Nouveau in France. Cooking fresh, water-rich new rice brings out glossy, smooth grains. Serve it steaming hot in a bowl, and enjoy it while it’s warm. Although it may be a bit expensive, the taste of new rice is exquisite.

    When we leave the city and see the rice fields changing with the seasons—lush green in the summer and golden during the autumn harvest—every Japanese person feels a deep sense of nostalgia. It is as if this landscape is deeply etched in our blood, sustained by the very life force of rice.

    Text ・Yumi Iwasaki

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  • A new café blending into Jimbocho — Mafumi Coffee and Books

    A new café blending into Jimbocho — Mafumi Coffee and Books

    [Spotlight – November 2024 Issue]


    Mafumi Coffee and Books, which opened in 2016 in Jimbocho (Chiyoda Ward, Tokyo), one of Japan’s most famous secondhand book districts, is still a relatively new presence in the area. The owner, Mr. Mafumi Oyama, is also a sociology researcher with fieldwork experience in the United States.

    The roughly 5,000 books lining the shop’s shelves are mostly from Mr. Oyama’s personal collection. Inside the remodeled standalone house, there is a large counter on the first floor, and the second floor, as well as the stairs, are packed with books. The shelves hold books from a wide range of genres, including literature, philosophy, and sociology.

    The reason Mr. Oyama opened the café stems from his deep affection for a café where he once trained. He was strongly drawn to the relationships between the customers and the atmosphere of that café. He chose Jimbocho because he felt a connection with the town’s culture, which is home to many long-standing cafés that have been around for 50, 60, or even 70 years. It also suited his own love of books.

    At the café, Mr. Oyama roasts the beans himself and uses the nel drip method to brew coffee, respecting the freedom of how customers choose to spend their time. Some people might feel intimidated by coffee specialty shops, but at Mafumi Coffee and Books, it’s perfectly fine to chat, read a book, or just daydream. The shop stays open until 11 p.m. on weekdays to make it easy for people to drop by after work.

    Mr. Oyama puts his heart into each daily cup of coffee, aiming for the shop to last “50 years, or ideally even 100 years.”

    Every autumn in Kanda-Jimbocho, the “Kanda Secondhand Book Festival” is held. In 2024, it is scheduled from October 25 to November 4. Many people will likely take a break at Mafumi Coffee and Books while browsing for books.


    Photo: Mafumi Coffee and Books
    Text: IKEDA Miki
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  • A writer aiming to become an author moves to a village: “The Hidden Village Writer.”

    A writer aiming to become an author moves to a village: “The Hidden Village Writer.”

    [News Review – November 2024 Issue]


    A “hidden village writer” has taken up a post in Shiiba Village, Miyazaki Prefecture. This village is considered one of Japan’s three most secluded regionssts.

    This project invites individuals aspiring to become novelists to move to Shiiba Village as members of a regional revitalization team, where they engage in various activities. Four individuals were selected from 92 applicants.

    They live in houses provided by the village, receive a monthly salary, and can spend up to three years writing novels. Naoki Prize-winning author Shogo Imamura and editors will support them in their writing endeavors.

    In the near future, a new author might emerge from this secluded region.


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  • “Wagyu” Co-Being with “Wajin”

    “Wagyu” Co-Being with “Wajin”
    “和人” とともに在る“和牛”。

    [Japan Style – November 2024 Issue]

    Throughout the world, food cultures rooted in the natural environment have developed in different regions. For example, northern Europe, including northern England and Ireland, is cold and has many grasslands, making it suitable for cattle and sheep grazing. As a result, livestock farming has developed as an important industry.

    In Japan as well, Hokkaido, with its cool climate similar to northern Europe, takes advantage of its vast land for dairy farming. The number of dairy cattle raised there is overwhelming, and the production of raw milk, the base for dairy products, accounts for more than 50% of the nation’s total. Hokkaido also ranks first in the country for beef cattle production, but there is not much production of what is considered “Wagyu.”

    The place considered the origin of “Wagyu” is Niimi City in Okayama Prefecture. In Niimi City, known for producing high-quality iron sand, farmland was limited, so livestock farming developed as a substitute industry during the Edo period. The cattle raised in this area later became the foundation for Wagyu, which spread nationwide and was gradually improved into what is now known as “Wagyu.”

    The three most famous Wagyu brands—Kobe beef, Matsusaka beef, and Omi beef—are known for their beautiful cut surfaces and tenderness. The “Tajima beef” (from the Tajima region of Hyogo Prefecture), which forms the basis of many of these well-known brands, is famous for its long history of bloodline management and breed improvement. In the Kyushu region, brands like “Miyazaki beef” and “Kagoshima Kuro-ushi” (black cattle) are famous for maintaining Wagyu’s superior bloodline while incorporating local breed improvements, and in the Tohoku region, “Yamagata beef” and “Maesawa beef” are well-known.

    In Japan, from the birth of a calf to when it becomes meat, everyone involved treats the cattle with great care, paying close attention and showing affection. Each calf is registered with a name, birthdate, bloodline—including parents, grandparents, and great-grandparents—where it was born, and who raised it. Each cow is given an individual identification number. This thoroughly managed traceability (production history) provides peace of mind.

    Cattle farmers put their hearts into raising the cattle. In addition to grains, they feed the cows rice straw that has been aged for one to two years, and the 20 to 50 liters of water they drink daily is natural spring water. In summer, when the cows’ appetite decreases, they are even given beer. Farmers brush the cows every morning without fail, massage them with shochu, shampoo them to make their coats glossy, and in winter, they even splash cold water on the cows to stimulate the growth of soft, fluffy winter fur. Through constant trial and error, farmers spare no effort or labor.

    Cattle that are carefully raised like family by skilled and dedicated producers have calm expressions and beautiful physiques. It is said that the better the cow looks, the better the meat tastes. When it’s time for shipment, farmers reportedly pray, saying, “Thank you for growing up so well. Now, please go on to sustain the lives of many people.” They feel pride in raising cows that will become essential to human life and express gratitude to the cows for supporting human existence.

    Today, “Japanese Wagyu” has become incredibly popular worldwide and is recognized as Japan’s finest food product. The characteristic of “Japanese Wagyu” lies in its “marbled meat,” where fat is interwoven like a web among the lean meat, creating a melt-in-your-mouth richness. This is rare overseas and has garnered high praise. The tender meat, which can be cut with chopsticks, and the sweet fat that spreads in your mouth can only be experienced with Wagyu raised in Japan.

    Looking around the world now, Wagyu crossbred with Japanese bloodlines, known as Wagyu, is flourishing overseas. Australia, in particular, is the largest producer of Wagyu and has gained significant recognition. However, it is a completely different product from the Wagyu produced in Japan. Japanese Wagyu, raised with the passion and dedication of farmers who tend to their cattle daily, offers a deep flavor, smooth texture, and melt-in-your-mouth harmony that will be etched in your memory once you taste it.

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