Japan: A Nation of Addition, Multiplication, and Harmony

Japan: A Nation of Addition, Multiplication, and Harmony | 足して、掛けて、和する国、日本

[Japan Style – February 2025 Issue]


In the United States, over 240 million people, accounting for about 70% of the population, identify as Christians, and there are approximately 120,000 churches.

On the other hand, Japan, with a total population of about 120 million, roughly 2/5 that of the United States, and a land area just 1/26 of the size, has approximately 165,000 shrines and temples. Furthermore, when including smaller shrines attached to major ones, the number of shrines is said to exceed 300,000.

Shrines are facilities where the deities of Japan’s indigenous Shinto religion are enshrined, and rituals are performed, while temples (Buddhist temples) house Buddhist statues and conduct Buddhist ceremonies.

The history of shrines is older than that of temples, dating back to the 5th to 3rd centuries BCE. Before the arrival of Buddhism, mountains, forests, rivers, and rocks themselves were revered as sacred and became objects of worship.

This practice, known as animism, later merged with Buddhism, forming a unique Japanese religious system called Shinbutsu-shūgō (the syncretism of Shinto and Buddhism) that endured for over 1,000 years.

However, with the Meiji Restoration in 1868 and the enactment of the Shinbutsu Bunri (Separation of Shinto and Buddhism), shrines and temples were formally divided, resulting in the independent institutions we see today.

During the Jomon period, which was centered around hunting and gathering, it is believed that a peaceful and prosperous society flourished for over 10,000 years.

The descendants of the sun goddess Amaterasu, known as the Tenson clan (migratory people), sought to claim this land.

At that time, the region was governed by the land of Izumo, and Amaterasu Ōmikami sent emissaries many times. However, some of the emissaries were so captivated by the richness and allure of the land that they ended up staying there, and negotiations did not proceed as intended.

Ultimately, Amaterasu sent Takemikazuchi-no-Mikoto and Futsunushi-no-Okami, gods of war, to negotiate by demonstrating their power. As a result, a peaceful transfer of the land was achieved, avoiding conflict.

Takemikazuchi-no-Mikoto and Futsunushi-no-Ōkami, who played key roles in this negotiation, were later enshrined in Kashima Jingū (then known as Kashima Shrine) and Katori Jingū (then known as Katori Shrine), respectively.

Kashima Jingū (in Kashima City, Ibaraki Prefecture) and Katori Jingū (in Katori City, Chiba Prefecture) have a Kanameishi (keystone), which is believed to have the power to calm earthquakes. This Kanameishi is a massive natural stone buried deep underground and has been revered by ancient people.

Additionally, Kashima Jingū also enshrines Ōkuninushi-no-Mikoto, who was the counterpart in the land transfer negotiations. In addition to calming earthquakes, it plays an important role alongside the gods who brought peace, supporting the peace and order of all Japan.

The Tenson clan gained governing authority through the land transfer, but their effective control did not immediately extend across all of Japan. Indigenous clans and powers were still scattered across the Japanese archipelago, and the Yamato region (modern-day Nara) was especially known as a politically and geographically important hub.

Thus, Amaterasu Ōmikami entrusted her grandson Ninigi-no-Mikoto with the Three Sacred Treasures and initiated new governance over the Japanese archipelago. Ninigi-no-Mikoto established his base in the land of Takachiho, consolidating his power and laying the foundation for governance.

Later, during the era of his great-grandson Iwarebiko, efforts to expand governance further led to a campaign eastward toward the Yamato region. Yamato, with its vast plains suitable for agriculture, had long been a land of powerful clans and was a key region for extending the Tenson clan’s governance across Japan.

After three failed attempts, on the fourth attempt, they were guided by a figure (or clan) known as Yatagarasu, and finally defeated Nagasunehiko, who ruled over the Nara region, successfully conquering the land.

Yatagarasu is known as a three-legged being and is now the symbol of the Japan Football Association. Additionally, some believe that the image of this three-legged crow represents an elderly person with a staff, symbolizing “wisdom,” “experience,” and “spiritual guidance.”

Having conquered the land of Yamato, Iwarebiko ascended the throne as Emperor Jimmu, the first emperor of the Yamato Court. This event is traditionally dated to January 1, 660 BCE (according to the lunar calendar). From that day to the present 126th Emperor, Reiwa Tennō, the Japanese imperial line has been passed down as a single unbroken lineage.

The Three Sacred Treasures entrusted by Amaterasu Ōmikami to the Tenson clan (Ninigi-no-Mikoto) consist of the Yata-no-Kagami, representing “wisdom”; the Kusanagi-no-Tsurugi, representing “military power”; and the Yasakani-no-Magatama, representing “spiritual power.” The emperor has always carried these treasures as symbols of authority and used them to govern the nation.

However, during the reign of the 10th Emperor, Emperor Sujin, a series of epidemics and disasters occurred, and it was decided that the spiritual power of the sacred treasures was too strong, leading to their being enshrined separately.

The Yata-no-Kagami was moved to Ise Jingū as a symbol of Amaterasu Ōmikami. The Kusanagi-no-Tsurugi was used during the reign of the 12th Emperor, Emperor Keikō, by his son, Ōusu, to suppress rebellious local clans and foreign forces, thereby strengthening governance.

Ōusu was given the name Yamato Takeru as a brave figure who unified Japan, and after his death, the Kusanagi-no-Tsurugi was enshrined at Atsuta Shrine in Aichi Prefecture.

In this way, only the Yasakani-no-Magatama remained with the emperor and is still kept in the Imperial Palace today.

As Japan developed into a unified nation, the spread of wet rice cultivation progressed, enabling a stable food supply. As a result, the population, estimated to have been around 200,000 to 260,000 during the mid-Jomon period (around 3000 BCE), is believed to have grown to 1 to 1.5 million by the late Yayoi period.

Subsequently, irrigation projects aimed at developing rice fields advanced, and the soil excavated during these efforts was used to construct burial mounds. During the Kofun period, the population is estimated to have reached 4 to 5 million.

Shrines were also deeply connected to the development of rice cultivation and spread throughout the country. For example, Inari shrines, with Fushimi Inari Taisha as their main shrine, number approximately 30,000 across Japan and are widely revered as shrines dedicated to the deity of rice (ine).

Shrines are adorned with shimenawa, which symbolize thunderclouds, and these ropes are accompanied by bells and strands of rope. The white paper strips (shide) hanging from the shimenawa are jagged in shape, representing lightning. Additionally, the straw hanging from the shimenawa symbolizes rain, representing the natural phenomena essential for rice cultivation.

Since ancient times, years with frequent thunderstorms have been considered years of good harvests. For this reason, people visiting shrines would view the ropes hanging from the shimenawa as pillars of clouds and shake these ropes and bells to “create thunder,” praying for a bountiful harvest.

Nitrogen (N₂) in the air is a component that serves as fertilizer for plants, but plants cannot directly absorb it from the atmosphere. However, when lightning occurs, the components in the air are broken down, and nitrogen (N₂) dissolves into the soil along with rain, becoming fertilizer.

Nitrogen is an essential nutrient for crop growth and is still used as a component of chemical fertilizers today. In ancient times, people regarded lightning as the “wife of rice.” They had discerned the mechanisms of nature.

Shrines were not only places to pray for bountiful harvests but were also built in safe locations, such as on mountains, in disaster-prone Japan and were used for storing rice and cultivating or distributing seedlings. They also functioned as hubs connecting the central imperial court with local regions.

The “shrine network” is thought to have played a role in gathering information on regional economic and disaster conditions, thereby supporting a sense of unity across the nation.

It is astonishing that such advanced knowledge and systems existed in ancient times, and it could even be said that ancient people may have understood the mechanisms of earthquakes.

The Japanese archipelago is traversed by a massive fault line called the Median Tectonic Line, which stretches from the Kanto region to Kyushu. This fault has frequently caused large earthquakes. Located at what is believed to be the starting point of this fault is Kashima Jingū, which houses the Kanameishi, a stone believed to possess the power to calm earthquakes.

How people in ancient times, without geological surveying tools, came to recognize the importance of this location remains a mystery to this day. Furthermore, Kashima Jingū is not only a shrine believed to calm earthquakes but also enshrines deities who brought peace through military strength, symbolizing peace and order throughout Japan.

In modern times, we tend to view ancient civilizations with the preconception that they were primitive. However, there is no doubt that they possessed “human qualities”—such as sensitivity, intellect, and even morality—that far surpassed those of modern people.

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