  • Connecting to the Future, MINGEI

    Connecting to the Future, MINGEI – 未来につなげる民藝

    [Japan Style – May 2024 Issue]


    Approximately 200 years ago, the Industrial Revolution drastically transformed people’s lives. Mechanization enabled mass production, fueling mass consumption and industrializing nearly everything. Technological innovation gave birth to capitalism, divided into capitalists and the working class. It also fostered mass marketing and media, creating numerous brands. The oldest fashion magazine, “VOGUE,” was published in 1892. Various events and objects became fashioned, with celebrity status increasingly celebrated.

    今から約200年前の産業革命は、人々の生活を激変させました。機械化によって大量生産が可能となり、大量消費が促ながされ全てが産業化していきました。技術革新は資本家と労働者階級に分断された資本主義を生み、マスマーケティングとメディアを発達させ、数々のブランドを生み出しました。最古のファッション誌「VOGUE」が出版されたのも1892年のことです。さまざまな事象や物がファッシ ョン化され、セレブリティであることが称賛されるようになっていったのです。

    About 100 years later, the “Mingei Movement” emerged, advocating for reviving people’s innate aesthetic consciousness. It is believed the idea that beauty lies not in mass-produced goods or famous artists or designers but in everyday objects surrounding us. It’s the belief that beauty lies in everyday objects around us, not in mass-produced items, nor in the names or brands of famous artists or designers. “Even though they may not be labeled as ‘first-class’ or historically esteemed, aren’t there many beautiful things among the items we use in our daily lives? Let’s pay attention to folk crafts that possess a simple and warm beauty. There lies a beauty of randomness, not deliberately pursued sophistication or skill, in these artifacts.” In everyday life, there is beauty in nameless objects called “zakki .” There, the beauty of living emerges. Mingei (folk crafts) are beautiful handmade items made for practical use. And the philosopher YANAGI Soetsu (YANAGI Muneyoshi) led the “Mingei Movement.”


    The “Mingei Movement,” aimed at spreading this new beauty, was led by Yanagi, along with potters HAMADA Shoji, KAWAI Kanjiro, TOMIMOTO Kenkichi, and the British Bernard LEACH. Eventually, dyer SERIZAWA Keisuke and printmaker MUNAKATA Shiko also joined, expanding it greatly.


    They published the magazine “Kogei” and expanded the Mingei Movement nationwide. Yanagi, much like today’s influencers or YouTubers, actively engaged people. Approximately 30 folk craft museums were created in resonance with their philosophy, indicating the immense influence of Yanagi and his associates.


    Yanagi traveled across the country with his companions, seeking out artisans crafting Mingei and traditional handiwork being passed down. They walked to discover the essence of local craftsmanship, unique to each region, known as “Mingei ,” born from the land itself.


    Furthermore, living in the same era as the Mingei Movement artists, the painter who had interactions with them was TAKEHISA Yumeji. Contemporary artist BUNTA iNOUE, who gained attention with the special exhibition “Love and Dreams Across Time and Space” at the Takehisa Yumeji Ikaho Memorial Museum, is also one of the artists inspired by mingei . Inoue, focusing on the theme of not merely preserving folk crafts as tradition but linking them to the future, creates “neo-mingei pieces” through collaborations with artists from various genres.

    また、柳ら民藝運動家たちと同じ時代を生き、彼らと交流があった画家・竹久夢二との特別展示「時空を超えた愛と夢」(竹久夢路伊香保記念館)で話題になった現代画家の井上文太たも、民藝にインスパイアされたアーティストの一人です。井上氏は、民藝を伝統に留めず、未来へとつなげることを テーマに、さまざまなジャンルのアーティスト たちとのコラボレーションを通じて「ネオ民藝作品」を創り出しています。

    In iNOUE’s studio, many items have been “mingeika” through his brushwork. For example, there are gourds, which have been beloved by Japanese people since ancient times. In Japan, gourds were traditionally used as containers for water or sake . With its auspicious, bulbous shape and the ability to keep its contents in a cool state, rather than chilling them, the gourd has once again captured the attention of modern youth, thanks to iNOUE’s designs.


    Furthermore, in our November 2022 issue, we introduced WASARA’s paper tumblers. Made from plant fibers, these products have a texture similar to Japanese paper and are paper vessels that return to the earth without plastic coating. iNOUE adorned these vessels with simple illustrations, much to the delight of visitors at the exhibition venue.


    Turning our gaze overseas, Vanessa De Anda, who thrives as a ceramic artist in New York, is also an artist who pursues the beauty and simplicity of mingei. She is renowned for her works that prioritize the comfort felt when holding them and maintain the natural colors and textures.

    海外に目を移せば、ニューヨークで陶芸家として活躍するVanessa De Anda氏も、民藝の美素朴さを追い求めるアーティストです。手に取った際の心地よさと自然そのままの色や質感を重視した作品で定評があります。

    People connect with objects, and the joy when encountering them and the sadness when lost, as well as the irretrievable longing, deeply move the heart. This is because they feel affection for objects that mark the same time as their own lives. Craft items are cherished as tangible objects that connect to such spiritual realms.

    人は物とつながり、それと出会った時の喜びや失った時の悲しさ、再生産できない切なさに心震わせます。自分たちの人生と同時を刻物たちに愛情を感じるからです。そうした精神の世界につながるためのMINGEI in Our Home Miyoshi family, Kagawa, Japan 具体的な物として、工芸品は愛されています。

    Currently, we live in a standardized world. Everyone is enclosed within their smartphones, able to acquire anything with just a click of the purchase button on Amazon.


    What about environmental issues? Are terms and activities like SDGs, Sustainable, and Eco becoming mere fads? Are we simply satisfying ourselves by using those words? Is there a fulfilling world beyond prioritizing cost performance or time performance?


    Humans should naturally be able to find beauty in the “ordinary.” They should be able to love and appreciate ordinary things. In times where coexistence and mutual thriving are demanded, perhaps it’s the spirit of mingei that we need.


    There are various theories regarding the etymology of the “min” in “mingei,” but fundamentally, it is considered to represent the common people who live their daily lives peacefully. On the other hand, the character “” (gei) with the radical “艹” (kusa kanmuri) can be interpreted as planting seedlings in the soil and nurturing them carefully. Therefore, “mingei” is thought to mean creating objects as people till the soil together, nurturing living plants, and fostering bonds among people.

    “Mingei is the art of infusing objects with life, creating a community of smiles.” by BUNTA iNOUE. 「民藝とは、物に命を吹き込み、笑顔の民を創り出す藝術である」。井上文太氏


    The dandelion smiling at our feet stretches its roots into even the hardest soil to live, extends its stem, blooms, and then transforms into fluffy seeds, carried far away in the wind. Its functional, beautiful, and tenacious form is endearing. The dandelion seems to share the same kind of “essence” as mingei.


    Mingei nurture our hearts. To hold dear feelings towards objects. That, we believe, could be the starting point for solving environmental issues. Objects speak to us. Surely, there are MINGEI around you, too. So, let’s begin communicating with these objects.


    Text: IWASAKI Yumi + TARUISHI Koji


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  • Can Japanese culture “save humanity’s end”!?

    Can Japanese culture “save humanity’s end”!? – 日本文化が「人類の終末」を救う!?

    [Nihongo Spirit – April 2024 Issue]


    The “Doomsday Clock,” regularly published by the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists in the United States, pointed to “90 seconds” in 2023.


    This parallels humanity’s doomsday to midnight, signifying the time until that end as “remaining seconds.”


    Now, around the world, a movement is spreading among young people who choose not to have children, motivated by the desire not to subject them to crises like climate change.


    Politicians aim to win elections by proposing policies to help the poor now, rather than addressing future crises.


    In reality, it’s the powerful individuals and politicians colluding with the wealthy who are causing suffering for the poor.


    However, people caught up in daily life often support them as saviors.


    Politicians, building their power on the support of the poor, can become dictatorial, and when power becomes too concentrated, they may even plunge the country into destruction due to delusions.


    Such history has repeated itself many times over, and it seems poised to repeat once more.


    Rather than the qualities of the politicians themselves, isn’t it the responsibility of the citizens who fail to discern them?


    While Japanese people possess a spirit of compassion toward others, they believed they were fighting for their own country’s interests when wars with foreign nations broke out.


    After the defeat in the war, Japan reconstructed its economy and eventually became known as a cultural superpower.


    Now is the time for Japan to acknowledge its historical facts, reflect upon them, and advocate for world peace through culture.


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  • An Event Combining Sports and Bamboo Shoot Digging

    An Event Combining Sports and Bamboo Shoot Digging – スポーツとたけのこ掘りを組み合わせたイベント

    [News Review – April 2024 Issue]


    On March 16th, the “3rd Yama-ga Bamboo Shoot Digging Championship” was held in Yamaga City, Kumamoto Prefecture.


    Bamboo shoots are ingredients that signal the arrival of spring.


    Yamaga City is known as a production area for bamboo shoots, but the annual production has decreased due to neglect of bamboo groves and a shortage of successors.


    Therefore, this event has been held since 2022.


    Participants run about 1 kilometer to a bamboo grove, dig for bamboo shoots, and then return to the venue.


    They compete in the number, size, and appearance of the bamboo shoots, and after reaching the goal, they enjoy bamboo shoot dishes.


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  • Aiming to be “be looked up to by the grandchildren”

    Aiming to be “be looked up to by the grandchildren” -「孫にも一目置かれる存在」を目指して

    [Spotlight – April 2024 Issue]


    MATAGI SNIPERS is Japan’s first senior professional esports team based in Akita Prefecture. Esports is a sporting competition in which players compete against each other using video games and online games. The team comprises 11 men and women with an average age of 67.


    The term “matagi” refers to a group of hunters in the Tohoku and Hokkaido regions who hunt for a living using traditional methods. The team is named after the matagi culture that has taken root in Akita Prefecture, which is mountainous and rich.


    Akita Prefecture, where the Matagi Snipers are based, has the highest rate of aging in Japan. The IT company that runs the team, S2 Corporation, started this project to dispel Akita’s image as an “aging” society and make the prefecture the most energetic prefecture in Japan regarding its elderly population. 


    The members do not view esports merely as a means for dementia prevention or a pastime in their later years. Instead, they are aspiring to become professional players, adopting the slogan “a figure to be looked up to by the grandchildren.”


    At the outset of their initiative, none of the members had any prior experience with e-sports. Furthermore, many had not even used a computer before, necessitating initial lessons on basic operations such as powering on the device. They underwent five and a half hours of training sessions weekly, and over three months, they progressed to the point where they could competently play the game.


    Currently, they continue to practice for about 6-7 hours daily and also stream their gameplay on Twitch. In January this year, a video of them playing a shooting game went viral. Amidst a field dominated by players in their teens and twenties, their skilled play and victories have garnered significant attention and praise.



    Text: SAWAGUCHI Natsuki


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  • Japan as Seen by Foreigners in History

    Japan as Seen by Foreigners in History – 歴史上の外国人が見た日本

    [Echoes of Japan – April 2024 Issue]


    Among the historical figures widely known in Japan, many foreigners visited Japan and left comments or episodes about the country.


    At the end of the 16th century, when Japan was in the Sengoku period, the world was said to be in the Age of Exploration.


     Christian missionary Francis XAVIER comes to Japan from Portugal for missionary work.


    Xavier and his missionary group stated in letters that the Japanese people possess splendid culture and high morals, surpassing any other non-Christians, valuing honor more than money within their hierarchical society.


    “History of Japan” written by the missionary Luis FROIS has become a valuable source for understanding medieval history.


    It is said that this document strongly reflects the individual’s position and emotions, as it highly praises ODA Nobunaga, the ruler of this era, while harshly criticizing TOYOTOMI Hideyoshi, who succeeded him in unifying the country.


    Nobunaga, who adopted Western civilization, was tolerant of Christian missionary work. Hideyoshi inherited Nobunaga’s policies but upon learning that the Portuguese were buying and enslaving Japanese people, he banned missionary work and expelled the missionaries.


    From the beginning of the Edo period when the country closed its doors, through the opening of Japan in the late Edo period, to the early Meiji period (17th to 19th centuries), many records exist where foreign visitors wrote about their impressions of Japan.


    The German physician Philipp SIEBOLD arrived in Japan as a Dutchman and was impressed by the unmanned vending stalls, where priced items were displayed, in Edo (modern-day Tokyo).


     Heinrich SCHLIEMANN, a German archaeologist, noted that the boatman returned him extra money when he rode a ferry in Japan.


     Also, many foreigners who have visited Japan have left numerous comments about the country.


    These comments cover a wide range of topics, including the beauty of nature and the richness of the four seasons, as well as Japan’s expertise in learning from foreign cultures, such as which flowers are planted in each house and the literacy of the common people.


    It can be said that these cultural aspects praised by foreigners have been inherited in present-day Japan.


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  • A Country Bridging Eastern and Western Cultures

    A Country Bridging Eastern and Western Cultures – 西の架の国

    [Hiragana Times Expo – April 2024 Issue]


    “We sincerely appreciate everyone’s support.”On the door of the embassy’s office, which we visited for an interview, there was a plaque expressing gratitude for humanitarian aid in response to the Turkey-Syria Earthquake in February 2023. Upon opening the door, Ambassador Najib ELJI welcomed us with a warm smile. And, the ambassador’s wife treated us to coffee with the fragrance of cardamom and homemade cake. In the Middle East, it seems that this exotic coffee is commonly consumed in daily life.


    “Syria boasts a variety of fruits such as lemons and olives, and spices like cumin and anise, along with a rich assortment of vegetables. In the Euphrates River basin, wheat fields and cotton plantations stretch far and wide. Actually, it’s our country that first produced fiber from cotton. Are you familiar with‘Damask weaving’? It’s a beautiful textile made in the Damask region from silk, linen, and cotton fabrics, featuring motifs inspired by plants. It originated in our country and spread to various parts of Europe. Animal husbandry is also thriving, and kebab dishes made with lamb or beef are well-known, aren’t they?”

    「シリアはレモン、オリーブといった果実、クミンやアニスなどのスパイスをはじめ、野菜の種類が豊富です。ユーフラテス川流域には小麦や綿花畑が広がっています。実は、綿花から初て繊維を作り出したのもわが国なのですよ。『ダマスク織』をご存じですか? ダマスク地方で、シルクやリネン、綿などから作られ、ヨーロッパ各地に広まった、植物をモチーフにした美しい織物です。また、シリアは牧畜も盛んで、羊肉や牛肉を使ったケバブ料理はよく知られていますよね」。

    Mr. Elji arrived in Japan for duty in 2022.When I went to the market in Japan, I felt a sense of nostalgia. Syria also has a similar culture of souks (markets). Its lively and vibrant, and visiting a market helps you understand the background of that country.When asked about his impressions of Japan, he replied,e scenery is beautiful, and the people are kind and gentle.


    Both in Japan and Syria, there are mountains and seas, and we experience all four seasons. Since the latitudes of both countries are almost the same, the climates are similar. Especially in spring and autumn, Japan is very comfortable and enjoyable. I visited places like Hiroshima, Kyoto, and Nara, and even climbed Mount Fuji. Moreover, I feel there is a similarity in spirituality between Syrians and Japanese. For example, respecting and expressing gratitude to ancestors, and keeping the house clean. Even taking o shoes at the entrance is the same.


    Syria is a republic in the Middle East that faces the Mediterranean Sea to the west. It shares borders with Turkey to the north, Iraq to the east, Jordan to the south, Lebanon to the southwest, and occupied Palestine to the southwest. Nestled between the Euphrates River and the Tigris River, Syria is part of theFertile Crescent,the birthplace of agricultural civilization. Apart from arid desert regions, it is a historically prosperous area. The capital, Damascus, is considered the oldest and largest city globally. Throughout history, Syria has been actively engaged in trade with neighboring countries and has served as a hub connecting Western Europe, Africa, and Southeast Asia. It has a historical connection with Japan through the Silk Road.


    There are Japanese instruments called shamisen and koto. In Syria, there are instruments called Oud and Qanoon, which are similar to the shape of shamisen and koto, and they are very popular. Considering their unique shape, I speculate that it might be one piece of evidence indicating cultural exchanges between Syria and Japan in the past. There are so many things that first appeared or were invented in the world in Syria. Syria is also the birthplace of Algebra and in terms of music, a stone tablet inscribed with the melody of the worlds oldest hymn was found in the ancient city-state of Ugarit. This ancient city on the Mediterranean coast is also the birthplace of the Ugarit alphabet, said to be the oldest written alphabet in the world. It is also said that the Phoenician script used in the ancient kingdom of Phoenicia, which was located in what is now northern Syria to Lebanon, developed into an alphabet.


    Umayyad Mosque | ウマイヤド・モスク

    Phoenicia was a city-state that existed along the Mediterranean coast from around the 13th century BCE, and the Phoenicians were a maritime people of great skill. Engaging in trade with many nations, one of the things they brought was the cultivation of grapes and the methods of wine-making. Essentially, they are the people who shaped the history of wine. The Syrians are descendants inheriting the DNA of Phoenicia. I believe they are a people with the drive to create something new and intelligence.


    Syria, in which civilization started alongside Mesopotamia has contributed to fields like mathematics, science, and philosophy. Regrettably, the deep history and charm of this country which is widely known around the world, is replaced with the image of war,he says. Until this point, Mr. Elji had been speaking with a smile, but at this moment, his expression darkens as he continues, And… furthermore.”“Due to the war of terrorismlaunched on my country, valuable relics and more have been continuously destroyed. Its a significant loss for humanity, and one can say its a very heartless act. Since 2011 then until now, Syria has been facing a war launched by terrorists that came from over 100 countries all over the world as well as illegal sanctions imposed by some countries and occupation of its fertile lands and natural resources, which led to the economic diculties Syria and its people suering today.

    メソポタミアと並んで文明が始まったシリアは、数学、科学、 哲学などの分野に貢献してきました。「深い歴史と魅力で世界に知られてきたシリアでしたが、残念なことに今では戦争のイメージに取って代わられています」と話します。それまでにこやかに話されていたエルジさんでしたが、ここで「そして……」と表情を曇らせました。「わが国で起きた『テロ戦争』によって、貴重な遺跡などが次々に破壊されてきました。これは人類にとって 大きな損失、あまりに心ない行為だと言えます。シリアは、2011 年から現在まで100カ国以上の国々から来たテロリストによっ て起きた戦争に直面しています。さらに、一部の国による不法な制裁、そして、肥沃な土地や天然資源が占拠されるという事態にも見舞われています。これが現在のシリアとそこに住む人々が抱える経済的な苦境につながっているのです」。

    Mr. Elji explains that a significant reason for the prolonged conflict of over ten years is the interference of various foreign countries. Oil interests and the like complicate the conflict further. Supplies are not reaching, and the healthcare system is facing real challenges. The situation in Syria is dire beyond measure. However, what the world media conveys is only one-sided. Its truly heartbreaking. Those who had no choice but to leave our country pray every day for a swift and secure return to their homeland. Syria is inherently a generous and peaceful nation. I hope many people can visit Syria to enjoy delicious Syrian cuisine and leisurely explore the historical sites, as safety and security were restored in major cities.

    10年以上も内戦が長引いている大きな理由は、諸外国が介入していることに尽きるとエルジさんは話します。「油田の利権などが紛争をより複雑化させているのです。物資が届かない状況で、医療システムは大きな問題に直面しています。 シリアスな事態は挙げたらキリがないほど。しかしながら、世 界のメディアが伝えているのは一面的でしかありません。本当に心が痛むばかりです。わが国を出ざるを得なかった人々がいっときも早く安心して祖国に戻れることを、毎日祈っています。 本来は大らかで穏やかな国なのです。主要都市では安全と治安が回復しました。多くの人々がシリアを訪れて、おいしいシリ ア料理を楽しんだり、史跡をゆっくり散策したりできることを願っています」。

    Damascus Marquetry | ダマスカスの寄木細工

    Mr. Elji, who used to be a lawyer, says,From a young age, Ive had a nature that wants to align everything in the direction of justice. Seeing Syrias distorted history and current situation, Ive been advocating for legitimacy. From such experiences, I wanted to work in a role defending the country itself. at was an ambassador.

    前身は弁護士だったというエルジさんはこう語ります。「若い頃 から、何事も正義の方向に整とのえていきたい性分なんです。シリ アのゆがめられた歴史や現況を見るにつけ、正統性を訴えてきました。そういった経験から、国そのものを弁護する仕事に就きたいと思ったのです。それが大使の仕事でした」。

    Every country and ethnicity has its own beliefs. Whats important is mutual respect, isnt it? We hope for relationships that are equal and warm. Most people living on Earth, in reality, do not desire conflict. May there be peace and light in all nations! Thats a fervent wish.

    「どんな国、どんな民族にもそれぞれの考えがあります。大切なのは互いに尊重し合うことではないでしょうか。平等で温かな関係であってほしいのです。実のところ、地球上に住むほとんどの人々は争いなど望んでいないでしょう。全ての国に平和と光あれ! そう強く願っています」。


    Text: MIZUTA Shizuko


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  • A Distant but Reliable Connection

    A Distant but Reliable Connection – 遠くても確かなつながり

    [Hiragana Times EXPO – March 2023 Issue]

    Roxane de BILDERLING, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Kingdom of Belgium to Japan, is a cheerful person who smiles often. In 2019, despite her young age, she became the first female ambassador of the Kingdom of Belgium to Japan. She used to be a freelance translator.

    ロクサンヌ・ドゥ・ビルデルリング駐日ベルギー王国特命全権大使は、笑顔の多い快活な人です。2019年に若くして女性初の駐日ベルギー王国大使に就任した彼女は、もともとは フリーランスの翻訳者だったそうです。

    “I love learning other languages and cultures and interacting with people. Thatʼs why I first started working as a translator. But a translator cannot be a party to a conversation. As I was looking for different options, I saw information about the diplomatic exam.”

    「私は他の言語や文化を学ぶこと、そして人と対話することが 大好きなんです。だから、まず翻訳の仕事を始めました。ただ、 翻訳者は会話の当事者にはなれません。いろいろな選択肢を探しているときに外交官になるための試験案内を目にしました」。

    “It was a total coincidence, a career that wasnʼt in my life plan. But when I read the description, I thought it sounded interesting. I knew very little about diplomacy until then, but now I really enjoy my job.”

    Roxane de BILDERLING, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Kingdom of Belgium to Japan

    「それは全くの偶然で、私の人生設計になかったキャリアでした。でも説明を読んで、これは面白そうだと思 おもったんです。そのときまで外交についてはほとんど知りませんでしたが、今の私はこの仕事を心から楽しんでいます」。

    In addition to her native French, the Ambassador speaks English, Dutch, Spanish, and even Swahili. She is currently learning Japanese as well, showing her strong interest in languages and cultures.

    大使は母語であるフランス語に加え、英語、オランダ語、 スペイン語、さらにはスワヒリ語まで話します。現在は日本語も学習中とのことで、言語や文化に対する強い関心が見て取れます。

    “For example, Africa is often mistaken as one country, but the cultures I experienced in Kenya, South Africa, and Congo were very different from each other. I think it is very important to learn and share such diversity.”

    「例えば、アフリカは一 つの国だと思われがちですが、 ケニア、南アフリカ、コンゴの各 地域で私が経験した文化は、 それぞれ全く違いました。こうした多様性を学び、伝えることは、とても重要なことだと思います」。

    “I didnʼt know much about Japan either before arriving here. But Japan is a country with strong ties to Belgium. I wanted to learn more about Japan in my own way and continue to promote the wonderful ties between our two countries.”

    「私も日本 に来る前は、日本のことをよく知りませんでした。 けれど日本は、ベルギーと強いつながりを持つ国です。私は私なりに日本を深く学び、両国の素晴らしいつながりを推進し続けたいと考えました」。

    It was in 1866 that exchanges between Belgium and Japan began. In 2016, the 150th anniversary of diplomatic relations between the two countries, many celebrations took place, including a State Visit by Their Majesties the King and the Queen of Belgium to Japan. Japan-themed works were exhibited at a traditional event called the Flower Carpet held in Brussels once every two years.

    ベルギーと日本の交流が始まったのは、1866年のことです。国交150周年を迎えた2016年には、ベルギー国王王妃両陛下による日本への国賓訪問をはじめ、多くの祝賀が 行事が行われました。2年に1度ブリュッセルで行われるフラワーカーペットという伝統的なイベントでは、日本をテーマにした作品が展示されました。

    Brussels Flower Carpet (2016: theme Japan) © Wim Vanmaele

    Although less well known, its history is more than just numbers. It is also the expression of solidarity in difficult times that bonds the people together. For example, Belgium supported Japan after the Great Kanto Earthquake of 1923. In addition, the Belgian Royal Family and the Japanese Imperial Family have enjoyed a deep family friendship for many years.


    “During World War I, the historic library of the University of Louvain was destroyed. The library was rebuilt with international support, and Japan donated 14,000 books. The friendship between the Belgian Royal Family and the Japanese Imperial Family was forged through these efforts.”

    「第一次世界大戦では、歴史あるルーヴァン大 学の図書館が破壊されました。図書館は国際的な支援を受け再建され、 日本からは1万4,000冊もの書籍の寄贈がありました。王室と皇室の友情は、このような取り組みがきっかけとなり結ばれたものです」。

    The exchange between the royal and imperial families that began in the 1920s was further deepened in 1953. Then Crown Prince Akihito (the Joko, 125th Emperor of Japan) visited Belgium and received a fair and heartwarming reception from King Baudouin.


    Since then the two developed a friendship, and when King Baudouin passed away in 1993, The Emperor and Empress attended a funeral overseas together for the first time. One day prior, the royal family specially arranged a time for Emperor Akihito to pay his last respects to King Baudouin, and during the funeral service, he walked in the front row of the procession. There are many more episodes that convey the bond between the royal family and the imperial family.


    “I believe the greatest similarity between Belgium and Japan is our ʻculture of hospitality.ʼ We greatly value the sharing of time with friends and enjoying good food and drinks together.”

    「私はベルギーと日本の最も大きな共通点は『おもてなしの文化』だと考えています。友人と一 いっ 緒においしい食事や飲み物を楽しみ、時間を共有することを、私たちはとても大切にします」。

    “I also think we are very similar in that we have a genuine interest in good food and an intense curiosity to really understand it.”

    「また、おいしい食事に対する純粋な興味、そして、それを本当に理解しようとする強い好奇心を持つ点でも、私たちはよく似 にていると思います」。

    Offshore wind turbines

    As the Ambassador said, waffles, chocolate, and numerous other sweets along with fries, and Belgian beer are so common in Japan that it is rare for people to have not tried them. Incidentally, Japanʼs “Washoku culture” and Belgiumʼs “Beer culture” were registered on UNESCOʼs World Intangible Cultural Heritage List in 2013 and 2016, respectively.

    大使の言うように、ワッフル、チョコレートなどの数々のお菓子やフライドポテト、ベルギービールなどは、味わったことのない人の方が少ないほど日本に浸 透しています。ちなみに、日本の「和食文化」は2013年に、ベルギーの「ビール文化」 は2016年に、それぞれユネスコの世界無形文化遺産に登録されています。

    “In recent years, there has been a growing interest in Japanese manga in Belgium. I think that this is due to the fact that Belgium is home to world-renowned cartoons such as ʻThe Adventures of Tintinʼ and ʻThe Smurfs.ʼ

    「また近年、ベルギーでは日本のまんがに対する関心も高まっています。もともとベルギーには『タンタンの冒険』や 『スマーフ』といった、世界的に知られるまんががありますから、親しみやすいのだと思います」。

    “I love interacting with people and I visit so many places. That is why I feel that Japan and Belgium interact at all levels, from cutting-edge fields such as offshore wind power and life sciences to the mechanical industry, food culture, arts, schools, government, the royal and imperial families, and much more.”

    「私は人と交流するのが大好きで、非常に多くの場所を訪れます。だからこそ感じるのは、洋上風力発電や生命科学といった最先端の分野から、機械産業、食文化か 、芸術、学校、政府、王室と皇室まで、あらゆるレベルで日本とベルギ ーが交流していることです」。

    “Even if we are so far from each other geographically, we have found many ways to connect our two countries, through bilateral relations that are rich and diverse.” The ambassador, who loves language, culture and interacting with people, happily shared her experiences of what she found charming in the two countries.

    「地理的に遠く離れていても、豊かで多様な両国の関係を通じて、私たちは両国を結ぶ多くの方法を見 いだしてきまし た」。言語や文化か 、そして人と接することが大好きな大使は、 2つの国の魅力を楽しそうに語ります。

    City of Namur

    City of Namur

    Belgium and Japan have slowly been growing closer, as symbolized by the relationship between the royal family and the imperial family. The natural bond between the two countries is a strong and a solid foundation for mutual support and development.

    王族と皇室の関係性が象徴するように、穏やかにつながりを深めてきたベルギーと日本 。自然な形で結ばれた絆なは強く、両国が支え合いながら共に発展する確かな礎となっています。


    Writer: SAWAGUCHI Shota




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  • Japanese People who Love Hot Springs

    Japanese People who Love Hot Springs – 温泉を愛してやまない日本人

    [Japan Savvy – March 2024 Issue]


    The “onsen” (hot springs) are an essential part of Japanese culture and daily life, and it is like a remedy that restores the body and mind.

    温泉は日本の文化や日常生活に欠かせ ない存在で、心と身体を回復させる万 能薬のようなものです。

    The enjoyment of onsen isn’t just about soaking your body in hot water to warm up. It also involves staying at a hot spring inn, bathing in outdoor baths or communal baths multiple times, enjoying delicious local food, and fully immersing yourself in the atmosphere of the journey.

    温泉の楽しみは、お湯につかって体を 温めるだけではありません。温泉宿に 泊まって露天風呂や大浴場に何度も入 ったり、地元の美味しいご飯を頂いた りして旅の雰囲気を満喫することも含 まれています。

    The history of onsen is long, with records dating back over 1300 years. In the past, there was a thriving medical treatment called “touji ,” aimed at recovering from illnesses and injuries, where people with ailments would spend leisurely time in hot spring resorts.

    温泉の歴史は長く、1300 年以上さか のぼる文献もあります。昔は病気やけ がの回復を目指す「湯治」という療養 が盛んで、病気や傷を抱えた人々が温 泉地でゆっくり過ごしていました。

    Onsen has various characteristics depending on the location. For example, the hot water of Kusatsu Onsen is known for acidic water with strong sterilizing effects. Moreover, there are also many onsen that you can visit for a day trip.

    温泉は土地によっていろいろな特徴が あります。例えば、草津温泉は強い殺 菌効果のある酸性のお湯で知られてい ます。また、日帰りで行ける温泉もた くさんあります。

    With 27,000 hot spring sources, Japan has built a unique culture as one of the world’s leading hot spring countries.

    2 万7,000 もの源泉( 温泉が湧き出 てくる場所)がある日本は、世界屈指 の温泉大国として独自の文化を築いて きました。

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  • Yayoi people

    What Are the Genetic Roots of the Japanese People?

    What Are the Genetic Roots of the Japanese People? – 日本人の遺伝子ルーツは?

    [Echoes of Japan – March 2024 Issue]


    Japan is experiencing issues such as depopulation in rural areas, labor shortages, and concerns about pension payouts.

    日本では地方における過疎化や人手不足、 年金給付への不安などの問題が起きています。

    To solve these issues, the government is actively promoting policies to countermeasure declining birth rates and support child-rearing, but the situation has not significantly improved.


    Without a sufficient workforce, economic growth is not feasible. In this context, attention is turning to immigrants from overseas.

    働き手がいなければ経済成長は望めません。 そんな中で注目されているのが海外からの移住者です。

    Japan has largely refrained from accepting refugees. This is partly due to Japan being a nearly homogenous island nation with a single ethnicity and language, and a strong consciousness of preserving its unique culture and morals.

    日本は難民をほとんど受け入れてきませんでした。 それは、日本がほぼ単一民族、単一言語の島国であること、 独く自の文化やモラらルるを守りたいという意識が強いこともあります。

    Japan’s history began in the Paleolithic era, and around 12,000 years ago, it transitioned to the Jomon period, characterized by a lifestyle centered around hunting. It is said to have been a prosperous era of over 10,000 years in peace.

    日本の歴史は旧石器時代から始まり、 約 1 万2千年前には狩猟生活を主とする縄文時代へと移りました。 1万年以上も 平和が続く豊 かな時代だったと言われています。

    Later, around the 5th century BCE, ethnic groups from the continent migrated to Japan. This ushered in a new era known as the Yayoi period (3rd century BCE to 3rd century CE). Rice cultivation spread and iron tools emerged in the later stages.

    その後、紀元前5 世紀頃から大陸から移民族がやっ てきます。日本は新たな時代、弥生時代(紀元前3 世紀~ 3 世紀)へ移りました。稲作が広がり、後期 には鉄器が出現します。

    Until now, it has been believed that the roots of the Japanese people are Jomon people, the indigenous inhabitants of Japan, Yayoi people, descendants of immigrants who arrived from the continent, and are a mix of both people with Japanese culture being shaped by them.

    これまで日本人のルーツは、日本に先住していた縄 文人と、大陸からやってきた渡来人の混合子孫であ る弥生人であり、彼らによって日本文化がつくられ たとされてきました。

    However, the latest research on DNA analysis of human bones excavated from a site dating from the Kofun period (3-7th century), which began after the Yayoi period, has revealed that about 60% of their genetic genome is mainly East Asian in South descent and does not match either the Jomon or the migratory people.

    しかし、弥生時代の次に始まる古墳時代(3 ~ 7 世紀)の遺跡から発掘された人骨を最新の研究で DNA 解析した結果、その遺伝子ゲノムの約60%は 主に東アジアの南方系であり、縄文人とも渡来人の ものとも一致しないことが判明しました。

    It is becoming apparent that the genetic roots of modernday Japanese people extend across the entire East Asian region.

    現代日本人の遺伝子のルーツが、東アジア全域に広 がっていることがわかりつつあります。

    It can be inferred that during the Kofun period, a significant influx of people with East Asian in South ancestry migrated to Japan.

    古墳時代には東アジアの南方系に祖先を持つ人々が 大量に移住してきたことが推察できます。

    From the later part of the Yayoi period to the Kofun period, during which massive tomb mounds suddenly appeared, there is, unfortunately, no material found in Japan or China about those 150 years.

    弥生時代の後期から、巨大な墳墓が突然登場する 150 年間の古墳時代についての資料は、残念なこと に日本でも中国でも発見されていません。

    It remains unclear what events transpired during this period, leading to a significant influx of migrants. It’s possible that a migration era, similar to the modern-day USA, occurred.

    この間にどのような出来事が起きて活発な移住者流 入があったのかはわかっていませんが、近代のアメ リカのような大移住者時代が存在したのかもしれま せん。

    In any case, Japan’s highly distinctive unique culture can be said to have emerged through a period when the indigenous people of ancient Japan and those who migrated from the continent mixed.

    いずれにしても独自性が高い日本の文化は、先住日 本人と大陸から移り住んだ人々が混在した時代を経 てつくられたと言えるでしょう。

    Ancient Japan had no borders.


    There is a growing sentiment in many countries that the Japanese mentality and culture of caring for others should become a global norm.

    他人を思いやる日本人の精神性や文化は世界の規範 になるべきだとの声が、多くの国々で高まってい ます。

    Perhaps now is the time for Japan to warmly embrace the migrants, refugees, and foreign workers who choose Japan to solve their problems, and together spread a culture of compassion throughout the world.

    日本は今、日本を選ぶ移住者、難民、外国人労働者 を温かく受け入れて諸問題の解決を図り、共に思い やり文化を世界に広げていくときかもしれません。

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  • You are the Protagonist

    You are the Protagonist


    HONDA Hirohito / 本田博仁

    HONDA Hirohito, who made his acting debut in his teens and later transitioned to becoming a stylist. He passionately pursues a unique expression through fashion based on his extraordinary devotion to clothing and a styling philosophy derived from his experience as an actor.




    “The first drama I was in charge of costumes for was ‘BORDER: Metropolitan Police Department, Investigation Department, Homicide Investigation Section 4’ (TV Asahi, 2014). The protagonist is a dedicated detective whose life revolves around his work. He gets shot in an incident, leaving a bullet lodged in his head. This bullet gives him the ability to communicate with the dead and he proceeds to solve a series of murder cases—it’s the story.”


    「初めて衣装を担当したドラマは『BORDER 警視庁捜査一課殺人犯捜査第4係』(テレビ朝日、2014年)という作品でした。主人公は仕事一筋の刑事です。彼はある事件で銃撃を受け、頭部に銃弾が残ったままになってしまいます。その銃弾が彼に死者と対話する能力を与え、次々起こる殺人事件を解決していく——というストーリーです」。

    “I didn’t know anything about this world, but I developed an image of the main character from various words and created a suit from scratch.The suit was one size up and light gray before I took the bullet, but when I returned to work, I tightened the overall silhouette and lapel (collar) width. The ability to see and interact with the dead. And I wanted to express the tension in his life as he fulfills his mission.”




    “As the story progresses, the bullet that remains in his brain starts to affect him, and he gradually becomes more unstable. To reflect that, we gradually changed the color of the suit from gray to black. We also made the tie narrower while reducing its brightness. In the final episode, where the tension of the story reaches its peak, I wanted to dress him in a suit that symbolizes his madness, like a mourning attire.”


    Honda’s meticulous work, where he doesn’t cut corners even in the smallest details, was highly praised on the set. He is currently active in a wide range of media, including magazines, television, and advertising. In addition, he also offers a personal styling service called “MITAMENTAL” (a combination of “mitame,” which means appearance, and “mental”).



    “I believe that clothing is the outermost expression of a person’s inner self. Even in the casual clothes we choose without much thought, there is inevitably a reflection of our subconscious. For instance, I recently styled a man who had a sleek, all-black ensemble with a sense of luxury, and even his shoes had studs, creating a polished and impeccable appearance.”



    “But he is a simple, pure man. He seemed to be struggling with his relationship with his wife. As we talked, I had an idea, and I took him to UNIQLO. I chose a beige nylon set-up. Inside, I had him wear a pale blue cut and sew.”


    “He works as a financial planner and also manages an old traditional house. Because of his pure and gentle personality, I incorporated the softness of beige. Additionally, I brought in the color blue, which conveys an intellectual and sincere image, for the inner layer. I also chose a size one up for the clothes to give him some room to breathe.”




    At first, the man was perplexed, but eventually, he expressed the realization that by wearing streamlined garments without unnecessary elements, he may have been trying to exert control over himself.




    “By giving him more room in his clothes, I wanted him to have more room in his heart. And I wanted him to have more room for his wife. Eventually, he reflected on the fact that he had been ignoring his wife’s feelings and spoke of his determination to let go of his conscious control, both over himself and over her.”



    Honda never imposes his own sense of beauty. Whether it’s a fictional character or a real person, he meticulously imagines and understands the lives of those he styles. Taking into account their past and present, he expresses a future through fashion that is suitable for that individual.



    “I went from being an actor to a stylist. At the time, I thought I had become a stylist because I wanted to make a living in a profession related to clothing, but looking back now, I realize that was a setback. But because of that experience, I want to tell people to accept and love themselves as they are.”




    “If you see yourself as the main character, the way you perceive things, the way you relate to others, and even the color of your life will change. In this day and age, there are many people who live their lives being swept away by their surroundings. I believe that the way you are in your own mind is everything.”




    “I face my heart through my clothes. I believe that by getting to know yourself in this way, you can find your own personal comfort. Ultimately, I aim to create a style in which the person can be comfortable and be themselves, even in simple fashions like a white T-shirt and jeans. That is ultimately my proposal and what I want to do.”



    Text: SAWAGUCHI Shota

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