  • A Joyous and Peaceful Spring!

    A Joyous and Peaceful Spring! – 春はるうらら!

    [Cover Story – April 2024 Issue]


    In Japan, many cherry blossoms are planted in towns and along riversides. Cherry blossoms, which are deciduous trees, become like dead wood during the winter. However, just by looking at the texture of the trunk and branches, it’s easy to recognize that it’s a cherry blossom. On days when you feel the breath of spring, you can suddenly notice small buds on the bare branches.

    日本には街中や川沿いに多くの桜が植えられています。落葉樹である桜は、冬の間は枯れ木のようになります。 でも、幹や枝の質感を見ると桜であることがすぐに分かります。春の息い 吹を感じる日、ふと裸の枝を見ると小さな蕾が見つかります。

    It’s a moment when you can be sure that spring is coming. Afterward, while watching the buds slowly swell, we prepare in our hearts to welcome the new school year. The flowers gradually open, as a twenty percent bloom, then a forty percent bloom, deepening in color. And when the cherry blossoms are in full bloom, we feel the surrounding air pink. That scene is precisely what’s on the cover of this month’s issue, “A joyous and peaceful spring!”


    When cherry blossoms bloom, the space is filled with the universe’s energy. They evoke a pleasant sense of tranquility and the leisurely flow of time. Those cherry blossoms begin to scatter in about a week, evoking a somewhat melancholic feeling among people, gradually transitioning into “leafy cherry trees.” People don’t pay much attention to the cherry trees turning green. However, the cherry trees continue to adorn the streets with greenery, playing the sounds of the wind, and quietly bringing solace to people throughout the summer.

    桜が咲く時空間には宇宙のエネルギーが満ちています。うららかな心地よさと悠々とした時の流れを感じさせてくれます。その桜は1 週間ほどで散り始め、人々を少し物悲しげ な気持ちにさせながら、ゆっくりと「葉桜」へと変化していきます。緑色になった桜の木を、人々はあまり目に留めません。でも、その後も桜の樹は街を緑に彩り、風の音を奏な で、夏の間は密かに人々に安らぎを与えます。

    In autumn, the leaves change from yellow to red and then fall off. This site evokes a deep sense of aesthetic beauty and impermanence in people, nurturing their senses with solemnity. In winter, showing its branches reaching up to the sky, it instills a sense of dignity. It’s as if guided by cherry blossoms, journeying through the seasons, climbing the spiral staircase of life.

    秋になると葉は黄色から赤へと変化し、枯れ落ちます。その光景は、しみじみとした情緒美、無常観を人々に感じさせ、五感をしんみりと育てま す。冬には、枝を空へと伸ばした姿を見せて、凛とした気持ちを与えま す。それはまるで、桜に導かれて四季を旅し、人生の螺旋階段を登っているようです。

    Sakura: cover story


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  • A Distant but Reliable Connection

    A Distant but Reliable Connection – 遠くても確かなつながり

    [Hiragana Times EXPO – March 2023 Issue]

    Roxane de BILDERLING, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Kingdom of Belgium to Japan, is a cheerful person who smiles often. In 2019, despite her young age, she became the first female ambassador of the Kingdom of Belgium to Japan. She used to be a freelance translator.

    ロクサンヌ・ドゥ・ビルデルリング駐日ベルギー王国特命全権大使は、笑顔の多い快活な人です。2019年に若くして女性初の駐日ベルギー王国大使に就任した彼女は、もともとは フリーランスの翻訳者だったそうです。

    “I love learning other languages and cultures and interacting with people. Thatʼs why I first started working as a translator. But a translator cannot be a party to a conversation. As I was looking for different options, I saw information about the diplomatic exam.”

    「私は他の言語や文化を学ぶこと、そして人と対話することが 大好きなんです。だから、まず翻訳の仕事を始めました。ただ、 翻訳者は会話の当事者にはなれません。いろいろな選択肢を探しているときに外交官になるための試験案内を目にしました」。

    “It was a total coincidence, a career that wasnʼt in my life plan. But when I read the description, I thought it sounded interesting. I knew very little about diplomacy until then, but now I really enjoy my job.”

    Roxane de BILDERLING, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Kingdom of Belgium to Japan

    「それは全くの偶然で、私の人生設計になかったキャリアでした。でも説明を読んで、これは面白そうだと思 おもったんです。そのときまで外交についてはほとんど知りませんでしたが、今の私はこの仕事を心から楽しんでいます」。

    In addition to her native French, the Ambassador speaks English, Dutch, Spanish, and even Swahili. She is currently learning Japanese as well, showing her strong interest in languages and cultures.

    大使は母語であるフランス語に加え、英語、オランダ語、 スペイン語、さらにはスワヒリ語まで話します。現在は日本語も学習中とのことで、言語や文化に対する強い関心が見て取れます。

    “For example, Africa is often mistaken as one country, but the cultures I experienced in Kenya, South Africa, and Congo were very different from each other. I think it is very important to learn and share such diversity.”

    「例えば、アフリカは一 つの国だと思われがちですが、 ケニア、南アフリカ、コンゴの各 地域で私が経験した文化は、 それぞれ全く違いました。こうした多様性を学び、伝えることは、とても重要なことだと思います」。

    “I didnʼt know much about Japan either before arriving here. But Japan is a country with strong ties to Belgium. I wanted to learn more about Japan in my own way and continue to promote the wonderful ties between our two countries.”

    「私も日本 に来る前は、日本のことをよく知りませんでした。 けれど日本は、ベルギーと強いつながりを持つ国です。私は私なりに日本を深く学び、両国の素晴らしいつながりを推進し続けたいと考えました」。

    It was in 1866 that exchanges between Belgium and Japan began. In 2016, the 150th anniversary of diplomatic relations between the two countries, many celebrations took place, including a State Visit by Their Majesties the King and the Queen of Belgium to Japan. Japan-themed works were exhibited at a traditional event called the Flower Carpet held in Brussels once every two years.

    ベルギーと日本の交流が始まったのは、1866年のことです。国交150周年を迎えた2016年には、ベルギー国王王妃両陛下による日本への国賓訪問をはじめ、多くの祝賀が 行事が行われました。2年に1度ブリュッセルで行われるフラワーカーペットという伝統的なイベントでは、日本をテーマにした作品が展示されました。

    Brussels Flower Carpet (2016: theme Japan) © Wim Vanmaele

    Although less well known, its history is more than just numbers. It is also the expression of solidarity in difficult times that bonds the people together. For example, Belgium supported Japan after the Great Kanto Earthquake of 1923. In addition, the Belgian Royal Family and the Japanese Imperial Family have enjoyed a deep family friendship for many years.


    “During World War I, the historic library of the University of Louvain was destroyed. The library was rebuilt with international support, and Japan donated 14,000 books. The friendship between the Belgian Royal Family and the Japanese Imperial Family was forged through these efforts.”

    「第一次世界大戦では、歴史あるルーヴァン大 学の図書館が破壊されました。図書館は国際的な支援を受け再建され、 日本からは1万4,000冊もの書籍の寄贈がありました。王室と皇室の友情は、このような取り組みがきっかけとなり結ばれたものです」。

    The exchange between the royal and imperial families that began in the 1920s was further deepened in 1953. Then Crown Prince Akihito (the Joko, 125th Emperor of Japan) visited Belgium and received a fair and heartwarming reception from King Baudouin.


    Since then the two developed a friendship, and when King Baudouin passed away in 1993, The Emperor and Empress attended a funeral overseas together for the first time. One day prior, the royal family specially arranged a time for Emperor Akihito to pay his last respects to King Baudouin, and during the funeral service, he walked in the front row of the procession. There are many more episodes that convey the bond between the royal family and the imperial family.


    “I believe the greatest similarity between Belgium and Japan is our ʻculture of hospitality.ʼ We greatly value the sharing of time with friends and enjoying good food and drinks together.”

    「私はベルギーと日本の最も大きな共通点は『おもてなしの文化』だと考えています。友人と一 いっ 緒においしい食事や飲み物を楽しみ、時間を共有することを、私たちはとても大切にします」。

    “I also think we are very similar in that we have a genuine interest in good food and an intense curiosity to really understand it.”

    「また、おいしい食事に対する純粋な興味、そして、それを本当に理解しようとする強い好奇心を持つ点でも、私たちはよく似 にていると思います」。

    Offshore wind turbines

    As the Ambassador said, waffles, chocolate, and numerous other sweets along with fries, and Belgian beer are so common in Japan that it is rare for people to have not tried them. Incidentally, Japanʼs “Washoku culture” and Belgiumʼs “Beer culture” were registered on UNESCOʼs World Intangible Cultural Heritage List in 2013 and 2016, respectively.

    大使の言うように、ワッフル、チョコレートなどの数々のお菓子やフライドポテト、ベルギービールなどは、味わったことのない人の方が少ないほど日本に浸 透しています。ちなみに、日本の「和食文化」は2013年に、ベルギーの「ビール文化」 は2016年に、それぞれユネスコの世界無形文化遺産に登録されています。

    “In recent years, there has been a growing interest in Japanese manga in Belgium. I think that this is due to the fact that Belgium is home to world-renowned cartoons such as ʻThe Adventures of Tintinʼ and ʻThe Smurfs.ʼ

    「また近年、ベルギーでは日本のまんがに対する関心も高まっています。もともとベルギーには『タンタンの冒険』や 『スマーフ』といった、世界的に知られるまんががありますから、親しみやすいのだと思います」。

    “I love interacting with people and I visit so many places. That is why I feel that Japan and Belgium interact at all levels, from cutting-edge fields such as offshore wind power and life sciences to the mechanical industry, food culture, arts, schools, government, the royal and imperial families, and much more.”

    「私は人と交流するのが大好きで、非常に多くの場所を訪れます。だからこそ感じるのは、洋上風力発電や生命科学といった最先端の分野から、機械産業、食文化か 、芸術、学校、政府、王室と皇室まで、あらゆるレベルで日本とベルギ ーが交流していることです」。

    “Even if we are so far from each other geographically, we have found many ways to connect our two countries, through bilateral relations that are rich and diverse.” The ambassador, who loves language, culture and interacting with people, happily shared her experiences of what she found charming in the two countries.

    「地理的に遠く離れていても、豊かで多様な両国の関係を通じて、私たちは両国を結ぶ多くの方法を見 いだしてきまし た」。言語や文化か 、そして人と接することが大好きな大使は、 2つの国の魅力を楽しそうに語ります。

    City of Namur

    City of Namur

    Belgium and Japan have slowly been growing closer, as symbolized by the relationship between the royal family and the imperial family. The natural bond between the two countries is a strong and a solid foundation for mutual support and development.

    王族と皇室の関係性が象徴するように、穏やかにつながりを深めてきたベルギーと日本 。自然な形で結ばれた絆なは強く、両国が支え合いながら共に発展する確かな礎となっています。


    Writer: SAWAGUCHI Shota




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  • A Bond that Blossoms Naturally

    A Bond that Blossoms Naturally – おのずと花開く絆

    [Hiragana Times EXPO – March 2023 Issue]

    It was in 1866 that Belgium and Japan concluded the Treaty of Amity, Commerce and Navigation. Since then, the two countries have maintained close royal and imperial exchanges, and have built a healthy relationship in all areas including the arts, academics, tourism, food, economics, and entertainment.

    ベルギーと日本が修好通商航海条約を締結したのは、1866年のこと。以来両国は、王室・皇室の親密な交流を重ね、芸術、学問、観光、食、経済、 娯楽といったあらゆる分野でも健全な関係を築いています。

    In 2016, commemorative events were planned for the 150th Anniversary of friendship between Japan and Belgium, and numerous celebratory events were held in both countries. The most notable of these was the “Flower Carpet,” a traditional event held once every two years in the Belgian capital, Brussels.


    That yearʼs exhibition featured the theme of “Japan,” with vivid “kachofugetsu (literal translation: flowers, birds, winds, and the moon)” painted to symbolize the flower-loving cultures of the two countries. This piece was inspired by the Flower Carpet.

    当年の展示では「日本」をテーマに、花を愛する文化を持つ両国を象徴するよう、鮮やかな「花鳥風月」が描かれました。今回の作品は、そのフラワーカ ーペットに着想を得たものです。

    Bright flowers bloom in front of Belgiumʼs tricolor flag, the colors of which evoke the vitality of a brave lion. The pretty flowers represent the many bonds that have naturally been formed.


    Painting of Belgium by Bunta


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  • Calls for Abolishing the Treatment of Pets as Cargo and Allowing Them to Board With Passengers in the Cabin

    Calls for Abolishing the Treatment of Pets as Cargo and Allowing Them to Board With Passengers in the Cabin

    Calls for Abolishing the Treatment of Pets as Cargo and Allowing Them to Board With Passengers in the Cabin – ペットの“貨物扱い”廃止と機内同伴搭乗を求める声

    [Pros and Cons with Insight – March 2024 Issue]


    Background | 背景

    In the Japan Airlines aircraft collision and fire incident at Haneda Airport, all passengers and crew were able to evacuate, but two pets in the cargo hold were not rescued. This has sparked discussions regarding the treatment of pets in aircraft.



    Voice of approval (allowing pets in the cabin) | 賛成(ペットの機内持ち込みを認める)

    • Treating living beings as luggage is a mistake.
    • Pets are like family. I want them to be allowed in the passenger cabin, not in the cargo hold.
    • Dedicated flights for passengers with animals should be established.


    Voices against (not allowing pets in the cabin) | 反対(ペットの機内持ち込みを認めない)

    • Pets might create noise, emit odors, or dirty the aircraft.
    • It could cause anxiety for passengers with allergies or phobias of animals.
    • For the sake of preserving human life, bringing pets into the cabin is opposed.


    Insight |

    The mid-sized airline, “StarFlyer,” has introduced a service allowing small pets to travel in the passenger cabin on domestic flights. However, strict restrictions are in place for handling emergencies.


    It is essential to be aware of the human ego and consider the stress on pets during travel from their perspective.


    Consideration is also necessary for the feelings of pet owners facing the tragedy of their beloved pets dying helplessly in a burning airplane.


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  • earthquake occurred in the Noto region of Ishikawa Prefecture.

    Wisdom for Disaster Reduction Inherited in Earthquake-prone Japan

    Wisdom for Disaster Reduction Inherited in Earthquake-prone Japan – 地震大国・日本で受け継がれてきた減災の知恵

    [Close Up Japan – March 2024 Issue]


    On January 1st, a magnitude 7.6 earthquake occurred in the Noto region of Ishikawa Prefecture.


    The Earth is covered by over ten plates, and the Japanese archipelago, located at the collision zone of four of these plates, causes frequent earthquakes and volcanic activities.

    地球は十数枚のプレートで覆われていますが、その内4枚のプレートの衝突部にある日本列島は、地震や火山活動がが ひんぱんに起こります。

    Furthermore, during summer, it becomes a pathway for typhoons forming in the southeast sea, with numerous typhoons affecting one after another.


    With 70% of its land covered by mountains and numerous steep and fast-flowing rivers, Japan is prone to typhooninduced landslides and flooding.


    Japan faces numerous conditions that make it susceptible to natural disasters.


    However, within this unstable and challenging natural environment, various technologies and innovations have been developed to survive, contributing to the advancement of its culture.


    The Horyu-ji Five-story Pagoda, constructed in the 7th century, boasts a history of over 1300 years and stands as the world’s oldest existing wooden structure.


    Japan’s ancient seismic isolation and vibration control techniques have been passed down to the present day, with the Tokyo Skytree, towering at 634 meters, incorporating the high-rise construction technology of this Five-story Pagoda.


    Japanese people have inherited wisdom and efforts for disaster reduction, accepting both the richness and severity of nature to minimize damage.


    文: 小池タカエ

    Writer: KOIKE Takae

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  • The Yomiuri Shimbun Food samples go around on a baggage carousel for domestic flights at Terminal 1 of Chubu Centrair International Airport.

    Turning Food Samples on the Airport’s Carousel

    Turning Food Samples on the Airport’s Carousel – 空港のターンテーブルでまわる食品サンプル

    [News Review – March 2024 Issue ]


    At Chubu Centrair International Airport in Aichi Prefecture, food samples rotate along with baggage on the picking- up carousel.


    Created by Sample Kobo, a limited company, to promote the Chubu region.


    The suitcases are filled with sushi and “Nagoya meshi (food),” dishes representative of the Chubu region.


    President KANEYAMA Katsuji mentioned, “We struggled to create a base to prevent the food samples from tipping over.”


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  • Flag of Panama

    For World Peace and Economic Stability

    For World Peace and Economic Stability – と経のために

    [Hiragana Times EXPO – March 2024 issue]


    The Republic of Panama is located at the border of North and South America. To the east of the capital, Panama City lies the largest tropical rainforest in the Americas, registered as a UNESCO World Heritage site. Renowned for its lush forests and volcanoes, the country boasts dynamic landscapes. The seas are also beautiful, with the islands in the northwest surrounded by coral reefs.


    The people of Panama have a strong awareness of nature conservation, and detailed regulations regarding environmental protection are legally established. The azure sky, seas, and greenery are gifts from ancient times that must be preserved, and wildlife conservation areas have also been established,says Ambassador Carlos, who embodies the cheerful and lively nature typical of Central and South Americans.


    Photo of Ambassador of Panama

    To be honest, there was a period from 1997 when we were exporting copper mined here. This was because copper is essential for the production of items like mobile phones and electric vehicles (EVs). However, the citizens made a cautious decision, prioritizing the preservation of the natural environment and expressing a desire not to pursue further mining. While economic development is crucial, we have chosen the path of environmental conservation.


    The main source of the countrys revenue is the maritime industry. Seventy-five percent of economic activities are concentrated around the globally renowned Panama Canal. This extensive canal, spanning 82 kilometers, directly connects the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans, employing a system of locks to create a stepped configuration along the canal. By significantly reducing transport time, this indispensable canal plays a crucial role in global maritime trade. An average of 13,000 vessels transit through it each year.

    国の財源のメインとなっているのは海事事業です。世界的に知られるパナマ運河に、経済活動の75%が集中しています。太平洋と大西洋を直接結ぶこの大運河は全長82キロにもわたり、運河を階段状につなげる閘門式を採用。輸送時間を大幅に短縮でき、世界の海運に無くてはならない運河となっています。年平均13,000 隻の船舶が通行します。

    You can have breakfast in the Atlantic and lunch in the Pacific here (laughs). It has come to support Panama, but it took 11 years to complete this canal, and even afterward, it has faced a tumultuous history.The construction of the Panama Canal began in 1881 by a French canal company. Despite the involvement of a total of 200,000 workers, the project faced numerous difficulties far beyond expectations, including the spread of diseases, and it eventually faltered.

    「大西洋で朝食をとり、太平洋で昼食をとることができるんです(笑 )。今ではパナマを支えるまでになりましたが、 この運河は完成するまでに11 年かかり、さらにその後も波乱の歴史を歩んできました」。パナマ運河は、1881 年にフランスの運河会社が着手。延べ20 万もの人が労働に従事したものの、予想をはるかに超える難工事であったことに加え、疫病の蔓延などで頓挫しました。

    During this time, Panama was under the control of Greater Colombia (Colombian Republic), but the people sought independence. Therefore, with support from the United States, which actively sought to take over the canal construction from France, Panama separated from Greater Colombia, and the Republic of Panama was born. Nevertheless, our countrys history has always been filled with turmoil. For over 300 years, from the 1500s to 1821, we endured a period of hardship as a Spanish colony.

    この頃のパナマは大コロンビア(コロンビア共和国 )の支配下にありましたが、国民は独立を求めていました。そこで、フランスに代わって運河建 設を積極的に推し進めようとしていたアメ リカ合衆国の支援を受けて大コロンビアから分離し、パナマ共和国が誕生したのです。「もっとも、我が国の歴史は常に波乱に満ちており、1500 年代から1821 年までの300 年余り、スペ インの植民地という苦難の時代を過ごしました」。

    Landscape Picture Panama - Canel

    Panama Canal

    The resumption of construction proceeded with the condition that the United States would have permanent control over the canal zone. Do you know that there was a Japanese individual involved in this construction project? One of them was a young survey engineer named AOYAMA Akira. He volunteered with high aspirations, enduring hardships such as contracting malaria, and dedicated seven years to the project.

    建設工事の再開は、アメリカが運河地帯の永久支配権を持つという条件を前提に進められました。「この建設工事に関わった日本人がいたのをご存じですか。青山士さんという若い測量技師です。彼は高い志ろざし をもって自ら応募してくれ、 マラリアにかかるなど苦 労しながらも、7 年間尽力してくれまし た」。

    In 1999, 85 years after its completion, the Panama Canal was returned by the United States, and the U.S. military, which had been stationed there since the 1989 invasion, completed a full withdrawal. The achievement was the result of the determined efforts of the Torrijos administration, which led to reforms in Panama and persistently sought a revision of the control treaty and the return of the canal.

    完成から85 年がたった1999 年に、パナマ運河はアメリカから返還され、1989 年から翌年のパナマ侵攻で駐留していた米軍も完全撤退へと至りました。パナマの改革を率いたトリホス政権が命がけで、運河の支配権条約の見直しと返還要求をし続けてきた成果です。

    “The most important thing is for Panama to continue existing in a peaceful environment, for the sake of global peace and economic stability. Currently, our relationship with the United States is good, but the canal, which has become a crucial global logistics hub, should never be used for conflicts, regardless of the reasons. I believe it is our country’s mission to protect it. Moreover, if a shipowner faces trouble and gets detained anywhere in the world, we will promptly go to their aid.”

    「一番大切なことは、パナマが平和な環境にあり続けるということです。それは世界の平和と経済の安定のため。今、アメリカとの関係は良好ですが、世界の重要な物流ポイントとなって いる運河は、どのような理由であれ、争いごとに使われてはいけない。守るのが我が国の使命だと思 おもっています。また、船舶主が世界のどこかでトラブルに見舞われ、拘留されるようなことがあったら、私達はすぐに助けに行きます」。

    In addition to the maritime industry, tourism is another pillar supporting the country. Furthermore, Panama thrives on the production of fragrant and high-quality coffee. “The capital boasts large shopping malls and casinos, and if you venture out, you can fully enjoy the sea, mountains, and the great outdoors. Exploring the ruins of Panama Viejo, a UNESCO World Heritage site, is highly recommended. Although damaged during the colonial era by pirate attacks and other incidents, the remaining structures such as the grand cathedral and monasteries are impressive.”

    海運業の他に国を支えているのが観光業。そして、香り良上質なパナマ・コーヒーの生産です。「首都には大型のショッピングモールやカジノがありますし、足を延ばせば海、山と大自然を満喫できます。世界遺産のパナマ・ビエホでの遺跡巡りもお勧めしますよ。植民地時代に海賊の襲撃などによっ て破は壊されていますが、遺されている大聖 せい 堂 どう や修 しゅう 道 どう 院 いん などは見 み 応 ごた えがあります」。

    Cinta Costera - Night View

    Night View of the Cinta Costera (Costal Beltway)

    “Most of all, Carnival is a blast! As a country with 70% Christians, the‘ Carnival’ is grand. People adorned in vibrant costumes fill the streets, dancing for four days – a truly lively celebration of Latin culture. Especially in regional cities like Las Tablas, the excitement is incredible, and I highly recommend experiencing it.”

    「何より楽しいのはカーニバルでしょう! 70%がキリスト教徒の国ですから『謝肉祭』は盛大です。極彩色の衣装をまとった人々が4日間、道を埋め尽くして踊る、いかにも陽気なラテン民族の祭りです。特に、ラス・タブラスといった地方都市での盛り上がりはすごくて、ぜひ体験してほしいですね」。

    Ambassador Carlos is a unique individual. He owns a successful food and beverage business in Panama . Perhaps it’s because of this that he exudes a somewhat business-like atmosphere. When asked about his impressions of Japan“, Among the world, Japan feels like a miraculous, almost like a different planet,”he smiled“. It has a deep and long history, and people are very polite. Using honorific language, respecting others, and being punctual with time were all surprising. It’s quite different from Panamanians who express emotions greatly through handshakes and hugs. I often tell all my friends that they should visit Japan at least once.”

    カルロス大使は、ユニークな背景を持つ人です。パナマでは飲食業を営となみ、成功しています。どこかビジネスマン的な雰囲気を感じさせるのは、そのためかもしれません。日本の印象を伺うと、「世界の中でも日本は、奇跡のような、別の惑星のような感じがします」と微笑みました。「深く長い歴史があり、人々はとても礼儀正しい。敬語を使か って話すこと、人を敬やまうことや時間に正確なところも驚きでした。握手やハグで大きく感情を表すパナマの人間とはまったく違う。私はすべての友人に、一度は日本を訪れてほしいとよく話しています」。

    Unfortunately, his term in Japan will end around this summer. “But I hope to come to Japan about once every two years. My daughter was born in Japan, and it’s her hometown. During the unprecedented situation of COVID-19, I was alone in Tokyo, but I had the opportunity to meet and talk with students from Panama who also found themselves alone in Japan due to the pandemic.”

    残念なことに、日本での任期は今年の夏頃まで。「でも、2 年に 一度ぐらいは日本に来たいと思っています。私の娘は日本で生まれましたから、彼女にとってはホームタウン。コロナという未曾有事態の中では私一人東京にいましたが、同じように日本で一人になってしまったパナマからの留学生に会ってたくさ ん話をする機会がありました」。

    “From that experience, I learned once again that people should not only focus on themselves but also extend their hearts to others. Having spent 120 years in diplomatic relations with Japan, being able to contribute in various ways to my home country has been an honor. I believe these years will undoubtedly become a source of strength and courage for me in the future.”

    「その経験から、人は自分のことだけでなく、他者に心を寄せなくてはならないということを改めて学んだのです。 国交を結んで120 年が経つ日本で、祖国のためにいろいろと尽くせ、貢献できたことは、私にとって名誉なことでした。この年月は必ずや、これからの私の力と勇気になってくれるだろう。そう思ってい ます」。


    Writer: Shizuko Mizuta

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  • The Canvas of Cultural Fusion: The Allure of Panama

    The Canvas of Cultural Fusion: The Allure of Panama – 文化融合のキャンバス:パナマの魅力

    [Hiragana Times EXPO – March 2024 issue]


    In this Pavilion corner, vibrant artworks featuring the colors of Panamas national flag, blue and red, are showcased.


    The bird with spread wings represents Panamas national bird, the Harpy Eagle, symbolizing independence and freedom. The ten shining stars above its head symbolize the unity of Panamas ten provinces. In the center, there is a symbol of the sun and stars, inspired by the woven fabricMolaof the indigenous Kuna tribe, who worship nature.


    Surrounding it, Panamas national flower, theEspíritu SantoorHoly Spirit Orchid,is characterized by its pure white petals with a dove seemingly perched at the center. In the background, numerous spears stand tall, symbolizing guarding peace and tranquility. Panamas strength and purity coexist.


    The annualCarnival de Panamashowcases the rich diversity of Panamanian culture. During the early 20th-century construction of the Panama Canal, many Chinese laborers migrated to Panama. The timing of the carnival, which coincides with Chinas Spring Festival (Lunar New Year), has led to the incorporation of Asian culture into the festivities. The Chinese lion dance depicted on the bottom left side represents this influence.


    The fusion of tradition and culture, along with the generous spirit of the people, has created a remarkable masterpiece captured on a single canvas.


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  • Sharp rise in the number of women interested in swords

    [From August Issue 2015]

    Following on from “rekijo” – women who like history – in recent years there are more and more “touken joshi,” that is women interested in swords. There are many kinds of swords in Japan. It’s said that this trend was kick-started by a video game. The swords in the game take the form of attractive young men and many women became fans for this reason.
    The Tokugawa Art Museum, in Nagoya City, Aichi Prefecture, houses numerous famous swords. Up until now this museum used to mainly be visited by elderly men. But recently more and more women in their 20s and 30s are visiting the museum. “I think women have come to be fascinated by swords because they’ve entered pop culture through video games,” says YOSHIKAWA Yuki, a member of staff at the museum.
    While swords are attractive artistic objects, besides their beauty, so-called famous swords also have historical tales behind them. For example, according to legend, “Katana Mei Muramasa” brought bad luck to the Tokugawa family; this sword has appeared in many games and novels and is popular nationwide. “The unique crest on the blade creates a mysterious mood and its charm draws you into its legend,” says Yoshikawa.
    “I got into swords through video games and have discovered the charms of actual swords,” says NAKANE Tomoko, a sword fan. Nakane travels by night bus to visit museums all over Japan and see their swords. Sometimes she goes to the same museum three days in a row.
    Besides their aesthetic charms, there are other ways to enjoy swords. As well as giving Skype-based “Samurai Experience Lessons” to American children, “Sousaku Kenbu Tachibana Ittouryu” runs “Samurai Training Tokyo,” a samurai workshop for foreigners visiting Japan.
    “Sword Exercise” got started in 2008. Created by producer TAKAFUJI Ukon its key characteristic is that it gets you in shape through kenjutsu (swordsmanship) forms. Its popularity lies in the fact that in contrast to exercises that concentrate on developing muscles, it’s an easy to perform full body aerobic workout.
    “I feel that the number people interested in swords has increased considerably,” says TSUNODA Tomohiro, the manager of Sword Exercise. While there has always been a high demand from men and from foreigners interested in swords for experience-based lessons, the number of female participants has increased tenfold since the start of the craze for swords amongst women.
    The craze continues to spread as special displays in bookshops to sell new books on swords are set up and replicas of swords sell out. Who knows, perhaps more people will fall in love with swords in the future.


    刀剣は美しい芸術品ですが、名刀といわれる刀は美しさに加えて、歴史的な物語を持っています。例えば、全国的に人気のある「刀銘 村正」は徳川家に災いを呼ぶ刀という伝説があり、ゲームや小説などによく登場します。「独特の刃紋(刀に浮かぶ模様)はいかにも妖しい雰囲気を持ち、伝説に引き込まれるような魅力があります」と吉川さんは話します。
    鑑賞の他にも、刀の魅力を楽しむ方法があります。「創作剣舞橘一刀流」は「SAMURAI TRAINING TOKYO」を訪日外国人向けに開催したり、アメリカの子ども向けにSkypeを使った「サムライ体験レッスン」を実施したりしています。


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  • Tap Water in Japan is Safe to Drink

    [From August Issue 2015]

    Today, more than 97% of Japanese have access to the public water supply. The water supply is hardly ever cut off due to shortages. In general, no matter where you are in Japan, it’s possible to drink the tap water. However, although the Ministry of Health carries out 51 checks on water quality, some people install filters or buy mineral water.
    In June, an event was held in eight locations in Tokyo to compare the taste of tap water with store bought mineral water. It was organized by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government Bureau of Waterworks. Passersby were asked to drink tap water and mineral water – both at a temperature of between 10°C to 15°C – without knowing which was which.
    This wasn’t the first time this event had been held. During the fiscal year 2014 (April 2014 – March 2015), it was held 153 times and a total of 52,747 people took part. Forty six point seven percent of them answered, “Tap water tastes better.”
    The 1960s was an era of rapid economic growth and even purified, tap water had a nasty smell because of pollution in rivers. Since at that time a lot of people were moving from regions with good quality water to metropolitan areas, there was a widespread perception that “tap water in large cities tastes bad”.
    Since then the taste of tap water in large cities has improved due to developments in water purification technology and stricter controls on pollution. Some municipalities, such as Tokyo Prefecture are tackling the issue by setting “water quality targets.” YAMADA Tomoaki, PR manager at the Tokyo Metropolitan Government Bureau of Waterworks, says, “I’m glad when someone tells me, ‘I’ll drink tap water from now on since it tastes better.’”
    To demonstrate the good taste of its tap water, the Tokyo Metropolitan Government Bureau of Waterworks distributes “Tokyo Water” in PET bottles at events. Other local governments, too, are selling and giving out PET bottles of their tap water to advertise its good taste and quality. Such water is sometimes handed out during natural disasters.
    Japan’s waterworks is highly regarded: its pipes have few leaks, its water purification technology is high tech, and its equipment is well maintained. The government and some local authorities in Japan have, for many years, been offering technical cooperation to countries with poorly developed waterworks.
    Bureau of Waterworks Tokyo Metropolitan Government
    Text: SAZAKI Ryo[2015年8月号掲載記事]


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