A Joyous and Peaceful Spring!

A Joyous and Peaceful Spring! – 春はるうらら!

[Cover Story – April 2024 Issue]


In Japan, many cherry blossoms are planted in towns and along riversides. Cherry blossoms, which are deciduous trees, become like dead wood during the winter. However, just by looking at the texture of the trunk and branches, it’s easy to recognize that it’s a cherry blossom. On days when you feel the breath of spring, you can suddenly notice small buds on the bare branches.

日本には街中や川沿いに多くの桜が植えられています。落葉樹である桜は、冬の間は枯れ木のようになります。 でも、幹や枝の質感を見ると桜であることがすぐに分かります。春の息い 吹を感じる日、ふと裸の枝を見ると小さな蕾が見つかります。

It’s a moment when you can be sure that spring is coming. Afterward, while watching the buds slowly swell, we prepare in our hearts to welcome the new school year. The flowers gradually open, as a twenty percent bloom, then a forty percent bloom, deepening in color. And when the cherry blossoms are in full bloom, we feel the surrounding air pink. That scene is precisely what’s on the cover of this month’s issue, “A joyous and peaceful spring!”


When cherry blossoms bloom, the space is filled with the universe’s energy. They evoke a pleasant sense of tranquility and the leisurely flow of time. Those cherry blossoms begin to scatter in about a week, evoking a somewhat melancholic feeling among people, gradually transitioning into “leafy cherry trees.” People don’t pay much attention to the cherry trees turning green. However, the cherry trees continue to adorn the streets with greenery, playing the sounds of the wind, and quietly bringing solace to people throughout the summer.

桜が咲く時空間には宇宙のエネルギーが満ちています。うららかな心地よさと悠々とした時の流れを感じさせてくれます。その桜は1 週間ほどで散り始め、人々を少し物悲しげ な気持ちにさせながら、ゆっくりと「葉桜」へと変化していきます。緑色になった桜の木を、人々はあまり目に留めません。でも、その後も桜の樹は街を緑に彩り、風の音を奏な で、夏の間は密かに人々に安らぎを与えます。

In autumn, the leaves change from yellow to red and then fall off. This site evokes a deep sense of aesthetic beauty and impermanence in people, nurturing their senses with solemnity. In winter, showing its branches reaching up to the sky, it instills a sense of dignity. It’s as if guided by cherry blossoms, journeying through the seasons, climbing the spiral staircase of life.

秋になると葉は黄色から赤へと変化し、枯れ落ちます。その光景は、しみじみとした情緒美、無常観を人々に感じさせ、五感をしんみりと育てま す。冬には、枝を空へと伸ばした姿を見せて、凛とした気持ちを与えま す。それはまるで、桜に導かれて四季を旅し、人生の螺旋階段を登っているようです。

Sakura: cover story


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