A Country Bridging Eastern and Western Cultures

A Country Bridging Eastern and Western Cultures – 西の架の国

[Hiragana Times Expo – April 2024 Issue]


“We sincerely appreciate everyone’s support.”On the door of the embassy’s office, which we visited for an interview, there was a plaque expressing gratitude for humanitarian aid in response to the Turkey-Syria Earthquake in February 2023. Upon opening the door, Ambassador Najib ELJI welcomed us with a warm smile. And, the ambassador’s wife treated us to coffee with the fragrance of cardamom and homemade cake. In the Middle East, it seems that this exotic coffee is commonly consumed in daily life.


“Syria boasts a variety of fruits such as lemons and olives, and spices like cumin and anise, along with a rich assortment of vegetables. In the Euphrates River basin, wheat fields and cotton plantations stretch far and wide. Actually, it’s our country that first produced fiber from cotton. Are you familiar with‘Damask weaving’? It’s a beautiful textile made in the Damask region from silk, linen, and cotton fabrics, featuring motifs inspired by plants. It originated in our country and spread to various parts of Europe. Animal husbandry is also thriving, and kebab dishes made with lamb or beef are well-known, aren’t they?”

「シリアはレモン、オリーブといった果実、クミンやアニスなどのスパイスをはじめ、野菜の種類が豊富です。ユーフラテス川流域には小麦や綿花畑が広がっています。実は、綿花から初て繊維を作り出したのもわが国なのですよ。『ダマスク織』をご存じですか? ダマスク地方で、シルクやリネン、綿などから作られ、ヨーロッパ各地に広まった、植物をモチーフにした美しい織物です。また、シリアは牧畜も盛んで、羊肉や牛肉を使ったケバブ料理はよく知られていますよね」。

Mr. Elji arrived in Japan for duty in 2022.When I went to the market in Japan, I felt a sense of nostalgia. Syria also has a similar culture of souks (markets). Its lively and vibrant, and visiting a market helps you understand the background of that country.When asked about his impressions of Japan, he replied,e scenery is beautiful, and the people are kind and gentle.


Both in Japan and Syria, there are mountains and seas, and we experience all four seasons. Since the latitudes of both countries are almost the same, the climates are similar. Especially in spring and autumn, Japan is very comfortable and enjoyable. I visited places like Hiroshima, Kyoto, and Nara, and even climbed Mount Fuji. Moreover, I feel there is a similarity in spirituality between Syrians and Japanese. For example, respecting and expressing gratitude to ancestors, and keeping the house clean. Even taking o shoes at the entrance is the same.


Syria is a republic in the Middle East that faces the Mediterranean Sea to the west. It shares borders with Turkey to the north, Iraq to the east, Jordan to the south, Lebanon to the southwest, and occupied Palestine to the southwest. Nestled between the Euphrates River and the Tigris River, Syria is part of theFertile Crescent,the birthplace of agricultural civilization. Apart from arid desert regions, it is a historically prosperous area. The capital, Damascus, is considered the oldest and largest city globally. Throughout history, Syria has been actively engaged in trade with neighboring countries and has served as a hub connecting Western Europe, Africa, and Southeast Asia. It has a historical connection with Japan through the Silk Road.


There are Japanese instruments called shamisen and koto. In Syria, there are instruments called Oud and Qanoon, which are similar to the shape of shamisen and koto, and they are very popular. Considering their unique shape, I speculate that it might be one piece of evidence indicating cultural exchanges between Syria and Japan in the past. There are so many things that first appeared or were invented in the world in Syria. Syria is also the birthplace of Algebra and in terms of music, a stone tablet inscribed with the melody of the worlds oldest hymn was found in the ancient city-state of Ugarit. This ancient city on the Mediterranean coast is also the birthplace of the Ugarit alphabet, said to be the oldest written alphabet in the world. It is also said that the Phoenician script used in the ancient kingdom of Phoenicia, which was located in what is now northern Syria to Lebanon, developed into an alphabet.


Umayyad Mosque | ウマイヤド・モスク

Phoenicia was a city-state that existed along the Mediterranean coast from around the 13th century BCE, and the Phoenicians were a maritime people of great skill. Engaging in trade with many nations, one of the things they brought was the cultivation of grapes and the methods of wine-making. Essentially, they are the people who shaped the history of wine. The Syrians are descendants inheriting the DNA of Phoenicia. I believe they are a people with the drive to create something new and intelligence.


Syria, in which civilization started alongside Mesopotamia has contributed to fields like mathematics, science, and philosophy. Regrettably, the deep history and charm of this country which is widely known around the world, is replaced with the image of war,he says. Until this point, Mr. Elji had been speaking with a smile, but at this moment, his expression darkens as he continues, And… furthermore.”“Due to the war of terrorismlaunched on my country, valuable relics and more have been continuously destroyed. Its a significant loss for humanity, and one can say its a very heartless act. Since 2011 then until now, Syria has been facing a war launched by terrorists that came from over 100 countries all over the world as well as illegal sanctions imposed by some countries and occupation of its fertile lands and natural resources, which led to the economic diculties Syria and its people suering today.

メソポタミアと並んで文明が始まったシリアは、数学、科学、 哲学などの分野に貢献してきました。「深い歴史と魅力で世界に知られてきたシリアでしたが、残念なことに今では戦争のイメージに取って代わられています」と話します。それまでにこやかに話されていたエルジさんでしたが、ここで「そして……」と表情を曇らせました。「わが国で起きた『テロ戦争』によって、貴重な遺跡などが次々に破壊されてきました。これは人類にとって 大きな損失、あまりに心ない行為だと言えます。シリアは、2011 年から現在まで100カ国以上の国々から来たテロリストによっ て起きた戦争に直面しています。さらに、一部の国による不法な制裁、そして、肥沃な土地や天然資源が占拠されるという事態にも見舞われています。これが現在のシリアとそこに住む人々が抱える経済的な苦境につながっているのです」。

Mr. Elji explains that a significant reason for the prolonged conflict of over ten years is the interference of various foreign countries. Oil interests and the like complicate the conflict further. Supplies are not reaching, and the healthcare system is facing real challenges. The situation in Syria is dire beyond measure. However, what the world media conveys is only one-sided. Its truly heartbreaking. Those who had no choice but to leave our country pray every day for a swift and secure return to their homeland. Syria is inherently a generous and peaceful nation. I hope many people can visit Syria to enjoy delicious Syrian cuisine and leisurely explore the historical sites, as safety and security were restored in major cities.

10年以上も内戦が長引いている大きな理由は、諸外国が介入していることに尽きるとエルジさんは話します。「油田の利権などが紛争をより複雑化させているのです。物資が届かない状況で、医療システムは大きな問題に直面しています。 シリアスな事態は挙げたらキリがないほど。しかしながら、世 界のメディアが伝えているのは一面的でしかありません。本当に心が痛むばかりです。わが国を出ざるを得なかった人々がいっときも早く安心して祖国に戻れることを、毎日祈っています。 本来は大らかで穏やかな国なのです。主要都市では安全と治安が回復しました。多くの人々がシリアを訪れて、おいしいシリ ア料理を楽しんだり、史跡をゆっくり散策したりできることを願っています」。

Damascus Marquetry | ダマスカスの寄木細工

Mr. Elji, who used to be a lawyer, says,From a young age, Ive had a nature that wants to align everything in the direction of justice. Seeing Syrias distorted history and current situation, Ive been advocating for legitimacy. From such experiences, I wanted to work in a role defending the country itself. at was an ambassador.

前身は弁護士だったというエルジさんはこう語ります。「若い頃 から、何事も正義の方向に整とのえていきたい性分なんです。シリ アのゆがめられた歴史や現況を見るにつけ、正統性を訴えてきました。そういった経験から、国そのものを弁護する仕事に就きたいと思ったのです。それが大使の仕事でした」。

Every country and ethnicity has its own beliefs. Whats important is mutual respect, isnt it? We hope for relationships that are equal and warm. Most people living on Earth, in reality, do not desire conflict. May there be peace and light in all nations! Thats a fervent wish.

「どんな国、どんな民族にもそれぞれの考えがあります。大切なのは互いに尊重し合うことではないでしょうか。平等で温かな関係であってほしいのです。実のところ、地球上に住むほとんどの人々は争いなど望んでいないでしょう。全ての国に平和と光あれ! そう強く願っています」。


Text: MIZUTA Shizuko


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