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Hiragana Times is the only bilingual Japanese-English magazine that enables readers to immerse themselves in Japanese knowledge while learning the language. It is cherished by Japan enthusiasts from over 100 countries worldwide. The magazine offers in-depth insights into both traditional and contemporary Japanese culture, history, economy, politics, and pop culture. It boasts a substantial readership of well-educated and affluent individuals from overseas. Many turn to Hiragana Times specifically to learn Japanese, making it a deeply engaging medium.

Ukiyo (blue transient) and Ukiyo (enjoyable transient)
創刊 / First published | 1986年(昭和61年)4月 / April 1986 |
発売日 / Date of issue | 毎月20日 / 20th of every month |
判型 / Format | A4判・中とじ / A4 size, saddle-stitched |
平均発行部数 / Average circulation | 18,000部(プリント版 + デジタルアプリ版)/ 18,000 (print edition + digital app edition) |
コンテンツ / Contents | [日本の話題] 芸術・文化・歴史・地理国土・流行・生活習慣・日本語学 [Topics on Japan] Art, culture, history, geography, national land, fashion, lifestyle, Japanese linguistics |
読者層 / Readership | 海外 85% / 国内 15% | Overseas 85% / Domestic 15% 男性 59.5% / 女性 40.5% | Male 59.5% / Female 40.5 |