Gaikokujin’kyaku: Kore, ie ni itsu tsukimasu ka. /Foreign customer: When will this arrive at my house? Tennin: Myounichi desu. Ie ni irrashaimasu ka. /Shop assistant: It will arrive myounichi (tomorrow). Will you be at home? Gaikokujin’kyaku: Myounichi? Wakarimasen. /Foreign customer: “Myounichi?” I don’t understand. Tennin: Itsu imasu ka. /Shop assistant: When will you be there? Gaikokujin’kyaku: Ashita imasu. /Foreign customer: I’ll be there ashita (tomorrow). Tennin: Imasu ka. Asu! /Shop assistant: You’ll be there? Asu (tomorrow)! Gaikokujin’kyaku: Asu? Wakarimasen. /Foreign customer: Asu? I don’t understand. Tennin: Iru n desu ka, inai n desu ka? /Shop assistant: Will you be there or not? Manga Explanation: Scene 1. At the Home Delivery Service Counter Scene 2. The customer says he didn’t understand the word “myounichi,” but the shop assistant takes this to mean that he is not sure whether he will be at home or not. Scene 3. The customer doesn’t know that“myouinichi” and “ashita” mean the same, so he tells her that he will be at home ashita. “Asu,” “myounichi” and “ashita” are all expressions for the following day. Scene 4. The customer says he does not understand the word “asu.” Because the customer doesn’t clearly state whether he will be at home or not, the shop assistant is irritated by his attitude.
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